September 2017 Newsletter!

Started by Leon, 18 September 2017, 11:08:34 PM

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18 September 2017, 11:08:34 PM Last Edit: 27 January 2018, 10:18:00 PM by Leon

Welcome to the Pendraken Miniatures newsletter!

Welcome to the latest edition of the Pendraken Miniatures Newsletter and this month we've got a load of releases, some new images added to the website and news on the upcoming shows we'll be attending.


We'll start with a quick update on the Blitzkrieg Commander III rules, as those are our priority at the moment.  The army lists have all been done and we've got a chap checking them over for any glaring omissions for us.  It took quite a lot of time checking and updating all of the lists line by line but that work is now done thankfully!  The scenarios have all been reverted back to BKC-II as well so now it's time for the rule queries themselves.  We've been talking to some of the volunteers and hopefully we can get a group of them together somewhere in the UK for us to sit down and chat through what revisions are needed.

Latest Releases!

We've managed to squeeze through some new releases while we're working on BKC-III, so in chronoligical order:

> Great Northern War Flags - Tony Hughes has done us some more excellent flag sheets, this time covering the GNW period.
> Emplacements - Our old emplacements were in need of an update, so John at Ironclad has done us some cracking new ones!

> Napoleonic Prussians - Just a few releases here, with some grenadiers and cuirassiers added to our 1812-15 Prussians.
> Sherman and Citroen - WWII gets a bit of attention with an M4 Sherman and a Citroen staff car ready for action.
> Post-War - Our vehicles are expanding rapidly with another 11 models added to the catalogue.

> Warband - The final two Warband armies have been released, with the Eldritch Vampires and Samurai Apes ready to buy.

In The Pipeline!

We've not had as much arriving at Pendraken HQ over the summer, but we did have the next batch of Korean War sculpts through, with the US in winter kit completed.  

Elsewhere, we've put up the starting list for our Indian Mutiny range, which we'll be hoping to have completed and released before summer 2018.  If this is a period of interest to you, head over and have a look here.


The second half of the show season kicked off this month with the Border Reiver and Colours shows, but we've got another three coming in quick succession through October.  On the weekend of the 7th/8th we'll be heading a bit further down the M1 to the new venue for the Derby Worlds show (now at Bruntingthorpe Airfield).  Please get any pre-orders for this one through to us by Friday 29th September.  After that, we've got Skelp in Forfar on the Sat 14th Oct and then Fiasco in Leeds on Sun 29th Oct.

Website Photos!

We're really starting to make some progress on the website photos and this month we've had some excellent work through from our talented painters.  Kev Rouse has completed both the SYW Austrians and the SYW Russians.

Matt J has been busy as well and has painted up the entire Indo-China range for us!

And Relax!

That's us all done for this month, we've got some more releases coming in the next few weeks so keep an eye out for those! - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


Eagerly awaiting my Christmas present....
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Just a suggestion, as the US designation system for WWII is confusing (to say the least) where a weapon has a post war M number it might be better to use that, thus the M1 105mm Howitzer could be described as the M101, avoid confusion with M1 Garand, M1 155mm etc.


Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


For those interested, the new M4 sherman is a beautiful mini. Mine came today, and they're the best early war US Sherman available in 10mm hands down. Anyone have ideas how to do applique armor panels...?


I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -


Quote from: ianrs54 on 19 September 2017, 09:43:36 AM
Just a suggestion, as the US designation system for WWII is confusing (to say the least) where a weapon has a post war M number it might be better to use that, thus the M1 105mm Howitzer could be described as the M101, avoid confusion with M1 Garand, M1 155mm etc.


You see, that's what I don't get about WWII - how can you confuse a M1 105mm with a M1 155mm but not confuse it by changing it to a M101, let alone confusing a M1 105mm with a M1 Garand? :-/
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


Quote from: ianrs54 on 19 September 2017, 09:43:36 AM
Just a suggestion, as the US designation system for WWII is confusing (to say the least) where a weapon has a post war M number it might be better to use that, thus the M1 105mm Howitzer could be described as the M101, avoid confusion with M1 Garand, M1 155mm etc.

Umm, I believe that it was the M2 105mm howitzer that was renamed as the M101.

Although the Americans didn't half confuse things. You can have an M3 as a 37mm gun, a 90mm gun, a 105mm gun, a light tank, a medium tank, a scout car, a half-track, etc, etc. And that's just in WW2.

Cheers, Martyn


Those sculpts are handsome!

Those 10mm Vostroyans(  ;) )  are lookin nice!!!
"Call it extreme if you like, but I propose we hit it hard and hit it fast with a major - and I mean major - leaflet campaign."

- Rimmer


Keep your head intact - do the FPW - The Germans have a Krupp 4 or a Krupp 6; the French have a 4 or a 12 - simples!
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


Although the FPW tubes are really in kg so essentially double the numbers.

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Ah, but you forgot the French mitrailleuse!  :d
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


20 September 2017, 11:41:33 AM #11 Last Edit: 20 September 2017, 11:43:20 AM by Leman
I knew someone would say that, so left it out to test my theory. Then there's all those things I never bother about: Bavarian gatling guns, Republican gatling guns, Armstrongs, Parrotts, Podewils, Werders and so on and so forth. I try to keep bolt counting to an absolute minimum and get on with the game. You should see the brilliant decluttering of Bruce Weigle's 1871.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!