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Books / Re: What are you currently rea...
Last post by kipt - Today at 02:55:02 AM
Finished "World War II Infographics" by several contributing authors.  This is a large sized book full of information.  It has 4 main sections, 1. The Context Of The war, 2. Arms And armed Forces, 3. Battles And Campaigns and 4. Aftermath And Consequences.

Within each section are maps showing, through colored maps and graphs, using as the title says, infographics to present statistics, sizes of countries, manpower, armies, navies, air forces, economics, politics, armaments, comparisons of armored vehicles, combat fleets, production factors, bombing campaign results, and much more.

Some of the contents within each section (there are 10 to 19 specific articles, each on a 2 page layout) are "One In Nine Mobilized", "The Issue Of Oil", "The Pillaging Of Europe By The Third Reich", in Section 1. Section 2 has "Artillery, The Hammer Of Thor", "Inside An Armoured Division", and "A Carrier Battle Group In 1942".

Section 3 has "A Tidal Wave From Japan", "The Desert war", "Kursk: The Tide Turns" and "US Logistics In Europe".  Section 4 has "The Reich's Military Losses", "Resistance In Occupied Europe", "The Economic Toll Of The War", and "The Dawn Of The Cold War In Europe".

Very well presented with the graphics enhancing the information.  Recommended.
Cold War Commander / Re: Response fire
Last post by dylan - Today at 12:14:32 AM
Quote from: Big Insect on 18 October 2024, 11:17:28 AMI've reread your question and the answer is NO.
A Support unit that is targeted for assault by an enemy unit is no longer a Support unit - it automatically becomes the primary target unit in the assault - so cannot now support others, as it is focused on its own survival.
I hope that answers you OK?
That's helpful clarification but actually wasn't what I was checking - I just wanted to be sure that if I declare I'm supporting a defending unit I can still also engage in fire prior to the assault, and vice versa.  I think the answer is yes during a commanded assault, but wanted to be sure.
Cold War Commander / Vehicle scrape vs. AFV pit an...
Last post by Fabterp2003 - Yesterday at 11:24:51 PM
as I was reading the Field  defence and fortification at page 84, I met the Vehicle scrape and the AFV pit. As far as I understand both provide hard/full cover, although "Vehicle Scrapes and Gun pits only provide defensive cover to the Front and  Flanks of the unit them ".
Does  this mean that AFV pit provide full cover even when is hit in the back?
Do both provide a +1 of the save Factor?
As I'm preparing some scenarios  for AIW, the hull down position was an important tactical factor  in many  battles, how can simulate it?
I  think  it could be similar to Vehicle scrapes providing cover only to shoots coming  from the frontal sector, increasing save factor by 1.
What do you think about it?

Best regards,
Books / Why is there only one?
Last post by fsn - Yesterday at 08:21:09 PM
Having some time off, I did my usual and gave the house an autumn clean.

A big chunk of this time is dusting the library - this is both boring and distracting. History books are in strict period order - except for the Japanese and Indian sections which are hived off.

I came across a singular volume - by which I mean it is the only volume covering a particular conflict. I have three books on the Spanish-American War of 1898 (a passing fancy of some years ago), and two on the Russo-Japanese War. At the other end I have many, many volumes about my two main interests - the Napoleonic Wars and WWII, but there is only one period for which I have only one volume.

This is the Spanish Armada, and the book is "The Spanish Armada" by Colin Martin and Geoffrey Parker.

The period has never really gripped me -the Tudor monarchs are of little interest, being overdone in the entertainment media and far less momentous than the Stuarts*. The only reason I can think that I bought the book is that it was published in 1988, when we were all excited about the 400th Anniversary.

Why don't I get rid of it? Err ... it's not a fiction book, it's a keep book.

My question, gentlemen, is do you have similar literary cuckoos in your nests? Sole volumes that failed to spark your interest? Single tomes that refused to toll your bell? Why are they there?


*I'll see your Church of England, and raise you the Union of the Crowns, the Civil Wars, the Great Plague, Pepys, Marlborough and the Union of the Parliaments.     
Chat & News / Re: Have we gone politically c...
Last post by streetgang - Yesterday at 07:43:12 PM
Quote from: paulr on Yesterday at 08:56:43 AMA really useful blog that I still occasionally refer to... he will certainly be missed, even by those of us who never met him

Agreed. I was always surprised at how many wargaming interests Thomo and I shared. I think he was over in the Philippines and was always on a quest for good burgers.

When I found out he passed; I was saddened even though I never met or games with him I felt like I had lost a friend because I followed his various adventures through his blog.
Painting Diaries / Re: A Tale of Four Gamers - th...
Last post by Steve J - Yesterday at 06:51:44 PM
I made a start on an 'Austrian' style brigade for my 19thC ImagiNations forces :) .
Chat & News / Re: Have we gone politically c...
Last post by Leon - Yesterday at 05:00:42 PM
Nowt to do with me, I'd not actually noticed that it hadn't been posted in!  So I can only assume it's 1-4:

Quote from: Orcs on 21 October 2024, 01:21:35 AM1 We are all now so woke we won't post a picture of a beautiful woman.
2 Posting pictures obtained from the internet has now got more difficult.
3 The forum is getting to the age that a "nice cup of tea and a Digestive biscuit" is more appealing.
4 The forum has lost the more prolific posters of nice pictures.
Chat & News / Re: Have we gone politically c...
Last post by fsn - Yesterday at 04:20:32 PM
QuoteApparently my [child's-in-law] tried to check 'how do you do cocaine' on their phone tonight ...

Classic guitar fan? (He said hopefully)
General Discussion / Re: The Bad Feels Blog
Last post by Techno 3 - Yesterday at 02:37:12 PM
Those are cute and cuddly compared to some of the things I dream about after eating cheese, last thing. :P
General Discussion / Re: The Bad Feels Blog
Last post by Last Hussar - Yesterday at 12:44:22 PM
I've just seen "TECHNO'S NIGHT TERRORS", and I really wish I hadn't...
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