Entries Discussion!

Started by sixsideddice, 20 May 2011, 06:00:50 PM

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20 May 2011, 06:00:50 PM Last Edit: 08 June 2011, 04:58:45 PM by Leon
Now theres something a bit unusual.... very cool.



REALLY like that !
Glad you didn't go OTT with the mouth....What you've done works particularly well !
The 'movement' in the tentacles is terrific....Side view especially.

The Aussies may have 'Drop bears'....Dungeoneers (?) have these nasties to contend with...Great job.

Cheers - Phil.


QuoteI see it as a wandering monster and can give you my idea for stats and special abilities for Dungeon World if you want.

I`d be very interested in seeing the DW stats for this creation capthugeca; its similar in a few ways to my Floating Roof Monster (DW 2nd Ed - Advanced Suplement) and could possibly work well as a stand in piece. At the moment I use the Pendraken Sci-Fi Face Huggers to represent these critters.


Hello guys,

Spoiler: English is not my first language, so please don't mind the awful spelling etc. .)

I wanted to ask you guys, what kind of putty you use to sculpt your entries?

I have never sculpted anything before, but I had some attempts with greenstuff, which disappointed me because it only felt like dried chewing gum in the end,
although I wanted my mini to have a stone-like feeling to it. Then I switched to miliput, which was much better and allowed me to be more precise and include
much more details (although I read in most forums, that people are much more convinced about greenstuff for including details etc.).

Okay... So the question I had: What materials do you use and what could you recommend to me?

I hope my poor english did not make your eyes bleed ~__~

Thanks in advance for the support!
Cheers from Berlin,


Hi MH5TS3.

If I understand your requirements correctly for a much 'harder' putty...You could try Brown Stuff !
Not too dissimilar to work with to Green Stuff..But the finish is much harder and almost 'brittle'.

A lot of people like this putty a lot....But compared to Green Stuff it is very expensive.
Which is why I use very little of it.
Alternatively you could try mixing Magic Sculp in a 50/50 ratio with green stuff....This gives a slightly harder 'finish' once the putty has set.

Hope this helps.

Cheers - Phil.


Quote from: MH5TS3 on 23 May 2011, 12:05:02 PM
I wanted to ask you guys, what kind of putty you use to sculpt your entries?

I use Pro-Create. Not quite as hard as Milliput but much better than Green Stuff. Have never used Brown Stuff
Life is too important to be taken seriously.


Spiffy entries so far. :)

I'm driven to try out different types of putty, just to see what they're like.  It's an obsession.  I've tried over a dozen so far, and have my eye on more.  But when it comes to recommending putty...

Quote from: MH5TS3 on 23 May 2011, 12:05:02 PM
Then I switched to miliput, which was much better and allowed me to be more precise and include
much more details (although I read in most forums, that people are much more convinced about greenstuff for including details etc.).

... I have to say, if it works for you, use it. ;)

I also second Techno's suggestion of mixing green stuff with something else.  It's 'memory' can cause it to be springy and blobby, and like you say: like chewing gum.  But mix it with a putty with low memory (any other putty, AFAIK!) and it becomes a great sculpting medium.  I know sculptors who usually mix it with brown stuff (e.g. Kev White) or procreate (e.g. Andy Foster).
I liked using a mix with apoxie sculpt - similar to magic sculp.  I still do, but these days I mostly use a GS/milliput mix (yellow-grey grade), since I 'rediscovered' milliput.  I first used it when I got into this sculpting game, and hated it for being messy and crumbly.  Started using it again recently, and learned a couple of tricks to help control it.  One of those was to mix some GS with it. ;)
My basilisk entry is bulked out with a GS/milliput mix.  More milliput than GS means it's pretty hard and sturdy.  The final layer and details are likely be mostly greenstuff, with a little bit of something mixed in to 'loosen' it.  Maybe milliput again, or procreate.  The other 'sneak peek' is milliput terracotta with GS.


Quote from: Vermis on 24 May 2011, 12:49:19 PM
Shhhoot.  Where's the delete button?

Hi Vermis,

You are only able to edit your own posts for a limited period of time. After that time limit expires the edit link is automatically removed.

Please send a PM to either myself, Leon or Nik with a link to your post and the required edits and we will take care of it for you.



Quote from: Megamatman on 25 May 2011, 02:10:15 PM
Please send a PM to either myself, Leon or Nik with a link to your post and the required edits and we will take care of it for you.

Yep - happy to sort; I tend to subcontract my killposts to this fella:



06 June 2011, 07:47:20 PM #10 Last Edit: 06 June 2011, 08:16:53 PM by Leon


Love that scorpion.

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Quote from: nikharwood link=topic=2904.msg25726#msg25726 date= =D>1307397705
Agreed - that's very nicely done  8)

Me too!  =D>
Life is too important to be taken seriously.


08 June 2011, 04:46:04 PM #13 Last Edit: 08 June 2011, 04:58:23 PM by Leon
That's pretty damn good Annatar - better than a lot of 25 to 32 mm scale scorpion miniatures

EDIT: Moved to discussion thread.


I like your hairy something too, Annatar. :-bd
Life is too important to be taken seriously.