And The Winners Are!

Started by Leon, 05 March 2015, 07:02:48 PM

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05 March 2015, 07:02:48 PM Last Edit: 05 March 2015, 07:39:44 PM by Leon
The 2015 Pendraken Painting Competition had a huge 229 entries, our 2nd highest turnout in the five years we've been running it, so that's to everyone who has taken the time to paint up an entry.  Every year the standard gets higher and higher and the judges have had such a difficult decision on their hands.

The Judges never seem to have an easy job on their hands, and this year was no different.  There were several close categories, and we've got a few tied 2nd places this year as well!

Just for info, each judge had 6 points in total to award.  3 points went to their 1st place choice, 2 points to their 2nd place, and 1 point to their 3rd choice.  The points from all 5 judges were added together to give us our winners and runners-up.

And so, without further ado, the winners are:

Foot - Pre-20th C. (29 entries)

There were come very nice entries in this category and the points were split over several of the entries.  In the end it was the tidy colourful work and careful detailing that caught the judges eyes, but things were so tight that we almost ended up with a tie for 1st place!  It's worth mentioning though, that Streetgang's entries split the opinions and the points, so he almost missed out on winning a prize!

1st place: Roman Shieldwall, by Streetgang - wins £20 Pendraken credit, and 5 painted buildings from Escenografia Epsilon!

"Great colourful artwork, lovely detail."

2nd place: SYW Grenadiers, by ali657 - wins £10 Pendraken credit!

"A complete different approach on painting style, really liked these."

Foot - 20th C. (14 entries)

This category had a smaller number of entries compared to the others, but it was still a strong showing.  There were some nice camo patterns attempted on several of the entries, but in the end it was the clean and tidy work that pushed the winners over the finishing line.  

1st place: US Paras in Normandy, by BH62 - wins £20 Pendraken credit, and a £30 voucher from Last Man Last Bullet!

"Nice tidy painting."

2nd place: WWI Middle East Brits, by WeeWars - wins £10 Pendraken credit!

"I liked how the painting on these matched the period and area of conflict, you can only do so much with sun bleached uniforms and sand covering every thing."

Mounted (26 entries)

This was really one of the standout categories in this year's competition, such a high level across so many entries that it really had the judges scratching their heads.  It was so close in fact that we've got a three-way tie for the Runner-Up position, all Late Roman figures as well.  Again, Streetgang's multiple excellent entries split his points and meant that he missed out on 1st place!

1st place: Late Roman Cataphracts, by barbarian - wins £20 Pendraken credit, and any kit from Severn Models!

"I love the use of the colours here and the way they catch the eye."

Joint 2nd place: Late Roman cavalry, by irregularwars - wins £5 Pendraken credit!

"...good use of colour with an eye for detail."

Joint 2nd place: Late Roman Cataphracts, by streetgang - wins £5 Pendraken credit!

"Great work, look spectacular."

Joint 2nd place: Late Roman cavalry, by streetgang

"...the detail is just great and the painting is clean and effective."

Vehicle (39 entries)

This category had a mix of entries, from bold camo schemes to more subtle detailing, but there were two entries that really caught the judges attention and picked up the majority of the points.  The Winner in this category is the first of two entries that picked up a maximum 15 points from the judges, so well done to that man!

1st place: Vietnam Air Cav, by Matt of Munslow - wins £20 Pendraken credit, and 5 painted buildings from Escenografia Epsilon!

"Stunning and when you take into account the work that was required to produce the piece well worth the three points."

2nd place: Panther, by BH62 - wins £10 Pendraken credit!

"Nice tidy work, great detail on the commander."

Fantasy & Sci-Fi (31 entries)

The Fantasy and Sci-Fi category was a similarly tight category, with only five entries picking up points and three of those fighting it out for the prizes.  Special mention has to go to Ironduke for the sheer number of entries, both in this category and others!  In the end it was some nice detailed animal work and some very nice highlighting that took the prizes.

1st place: Mounted Samurai Apes, by Ironduke - wins £20 Pendraken credit, and a 2 player Starter Set from Hawk Wargames!

"Great use of bright colour on black to make the armour stand out on the Apes and those tigers would give Matt's tiger skins a run for their money."

2nd place: Goblin Red-Paws, by celtofkernow - wins £10 Pendraken credit, and a PHR Starter Army from Hawk Wargames!

"Great colours and shading, most natural looking entry."
"This shows what can be done with a simple but effect shading."

Open - Single Base (54 entries)

This category saw an excellent turnout, with a great mix of ideas and styles on show.  The variety of the entries is always something we enjoy seeing at Pendraken HQ and it's one of our personal favourites!  Picking the best out of over 50 entries was always going to be a difficult task, but in the end our judges had two clear favourites.

1st place: Kublai Khan, by Matt of Munslow - wins £20 Pendraken credit, and a copy of our new Warband Fantasy rules!

"I guess we all thought the helicopter was the best thing in here, till the Khan arrived!"

2nd place: Lee with his dog, by maciek - wins £10 Pendraken credit!

"...It is only a small base with three figures on but they are very well painted and presented."

Open - Army! (36 entries)

All of the judges agreed that this was the hardest category of all to decide on, with so many outstanding entries on show and the judges finding it very difficult to pick just three for their points.  Loads of 10mm figures, all nicely painted on the table, what's not to like?!  After the dust had settled though, there were three entries battling it out for the prizes, with the eventual winners just edging ahead of third place.

1st place: Sub-Roman British, by streetgang - wins £20 Pendraken credit, and a 6 month subscription to Wargames Illustrated!

"Love this army, cracking detail and nice close ups."
"Superb detail."

2nd place: WWI Austrians, by golem - wins £10 Pendraken credit!

"Really nice set of figure with a clean paint job finished of with subtle base work."
"Very tidy painting, nicely highlighted and well presented."

So congratulations to all of our winners, we'll be contacting you each individually to get your prizes sorted out, probably after we get back from the WMMS show on Sunday.  We'll also get your Winner's medals added to your profiles!

We'd like to thank our Judges for giving up their time to judge the competition, it's always a difficult task going through all of the entries, so we're grateful to them for their time.  

And of course, huge thanks to everyone who has taken part this year, I hope you enjoyed taking part and you've managed to chip away at your lead mountain!

Coming up next will be the Aart Brouwer People's Choice Award, where all the entries who achieved at least a point (plus a few of my own favourites!) will go into a public poll to decide a winner.  The voting on this will run for one week, with a closing deadline of Thursday 12th March.  The winner of this category will receive a £20 voucher for loads of Minibits goodies and also a Scourge Starter Set from Hawk Wargames!  Please make sure to place your votes here:,11626.0.html!

And finally, as a special bonus for everyone who entered, we've got one more prize to give out!  This participation prize will be given out to one randomly selected person who has entered this years competition.  The Winners and Runners-Up will be taken out of the pot first, and then we'll draw a name from the hat to find our winner!  The lucky person will receive £10 worth of Pendraken goodies, along with a Shaltari Tribes Starter Set army from Hawk Wargames!  We'll announce this at the same time as the People's Choice winner, so stay tuned!

:-bd - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


"It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion.  It is by the juice of Typhoo my thoughs acquire speed the teeth acquire stains, the stains serve as a warning.  It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion."

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules." - Gary Gygax
"Maybe emu trampling created the desert?" - FierceKitty

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

"I have become inappropriately excited by the thought of a compendium of OOBs." FSN

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Fantastic results and well done all those worthy winners.
Really strong field. All brilliant winners.
:D 8)
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Congrats to all, especially to the winners, excellent stuff!


Very well done to all the winners =D> =D> =D>

Well done all =D>

:-bd =D> :-bd =D> :-bd =D>
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Well done all!

Stunning entries  :-bd
Buy plenty of Matron's sculpts now!

If he keeps using the chainsaw, the value of his work will soon go up.

Ace of Spades

Congatulations to all winners!
Absolutely fabulous work; keep it up!

2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


(adopts gracious loser face whilst blue language clouds thoughts)

well done everyone, some of my favourites won, especially the samurai apes!


All extremely well deserved! Couldn't agree more with almost all of them!

Bit disappointing and surprising that not a single Napoleonic entry placed at all.


Congratulations to all the winners, top class work.
'If I throw a six I'll do my happy dance'!

2016 Painting Competition - People's Choice!


Congratulations to the winners and everyone who entered. Just shows what can be achieved with 10mm figures. (I had a strange feeling that Kublai Khan would be placed somewhere).  :D

Blog is at

2017 Paint-Off - Winner!


If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


Well done all, really enjoyed seeing the entries, and must say didn't mind losing out to those that won, all very well deserved
2015 Painting Competition - Winner!
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

Fantastic competition entries, well done to the all the winners, runner-ups, but also to all who entered. 

Perhaps the great show that this competition was will gain some attention among those who have yet to experience the 10mm world, the entries definitely deserve it.

:-bd to one and all.


Congatulations to all winners! Wonderfull models really.
2011 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!