Aart Brouwer People's Choice Award - Please Vote!

Started by Leon, 06 March 2014, 05:39:06 AM

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Which are your top 3 entries?  Cast your 3 votes now, voting closes at 6pm on Monday 10th!

Paulr's AWI Militia
7 (10.4%)
BH62's FPW Command
10 (14.9%)
Farles' Saxons
5 (7.5%)
jdeleonardis' Berdan's Sharpshooters
5 (7.5%)
Zorz 40's Afrikakorps
1 (1.5%)
BH62's US Para's
2 (3%)
Keeryel's Panzergrenadiers
2 (3%)
Hetairoi's Repubclian cavalry
7 (10.4%)
Ace of Spades' Mounted Brits
4 (6%)
Kev1964's French cavalry
20 (29.9%)
O Dinas Powys' Raptor Riders
1 (1.5%)
Barbarian's Hetzer
5 (7.5%)
Keeryel's Panther
4 (6%)
Blacksmith's Stug
2 (3%)
Jc's Mustang
3 (4.5%)
Womble67's T34
1 (1.5%)
Hertsblue's Pz III
1 (1.5%)
Vulture's M18
1 (1.5%)
Hetairoi's Bolt Thrower
1 (1.5%)
Fred12df's Lizardmen
1 (1.5%)
Xanthe93's converted Walker
5 (7.5%)
Shootist's Ambulance
1 (1.5%)
Tiny Terrain's Ottoman Command
3 (4.5%)
Murat's French General
1 (1.5%)
Ace of Spades' Heliograph team
5 (7.5%)
Goat Major's George Washington
9 (13.4%)
Hetairoi's Scipio
2 (3%)
BH62's Para Command
3 (4.5%)
jdeleonardis' ACW Generals
1 (1.5%)
Scolty's ACW Horse holder
4 (6%)
Hertblue's Red Army Command
2 (3%)
Wee Wars Austrian Infantry
9 (13.4%)
DavidSmith's Arthur & Excalibur
8 (11.9%)
paintdeamon's ACW artillery
2 (3%)
Luddite's Fantasy Army
6 (9%)
Peter Cooman's British Battlegroup
3 (4.5%)
Paulr's AWI Army
12 (17.9%)
Marshall1945's Archer platoon
1 (1.5%)
Ace of Spades' Colonial Brit Army
12 (17.9%)
SteveJ's Vikings
2 (3%)
Hetairoi's Republican Army
9 (13.4%)
Ithoriel's German Army
1 (1.5%)
Mad Lemmey's Raptor Riders
4 (6%)
BH62's Prussian Uhlans
2 (3%)

Total Members Voted: 67

Duke Speedy of Leighton

A worthy winner! Well done sir! Stunning work.

For me, stunned to have got back into the second round. Thanks.

This sums it up for me! Love February.

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Well done, a well deserved 1,2 and 3.


Tiny Terrain Models




I got three votes for my paras, i am happy!

Ace of Spades

Congratulations Kev, absolutely stunning work!

Once again thanks also to the sponsors and staff for making it all possible; it was a real joy to be a part of the competition!

2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Well done, the popular vote is the ultimate accolade!


2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
2022 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up!


Well done kev great competition throughly enjoy it

take care

The Wargames Directory

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2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Many many thank's to all who voted for me, i did not expect to win this , there were some truly excellent entries this year and it took me ages to pick my favorite.
The Aart Brouwer peoples award( this is a great way to remember a nice guy)  was the cherry on the cake for me as it's you chaps doing the voting( not taking anything away from the comp judges ,what a hard task) , so once again, many many thanks. Interesting to read   Noshers comment that the winning entries came from all the new ranges, a good painter can make most figures look pretty reasonable but to achieve great results you have to have great figures, the figures/vehicles being sculpted by Clib, Techno and Mart are really excellent so they defiantly deserve a mention here.
A big thanks to Leon /Dave and all the pendraken team and sponsors for making this a fantastic competition, and all you chaps who entered,  long may it continue.

A very happy,

2013 Painting Competition - Winner!
2014 Painting Competition - 2 x Winner!
2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

goat major

well done Kev - superbly painted and well deserved  8)
My blog: https://goatmajor.org.uk/
My twitting: http://twitter.com/goatmajor

2014 Painting Competition - Winner!


Agree with Kev's comments on the mini sculpturs - absolutely stunning new ranges. Congrats to the deserving winners - the bench mark keeps being raised year on year.

I would still like to see more people voting though (which Ive said every year), but thats just me. I hate to see wasted democracy.
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson



Congrats to Kev - excellent work as always.




Nice one, Kev. Brilliant figures - a worthy winner.
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


Wendel Brouwer

11 June 2014, 11:18:18 PM #43 Last Edit: 11 June 2014, 11:21:29 PM by Wendel Brouwer
Dear forum members and dear Kev(and some number I forgot),

Congratulations winning the Aart Brouwer People's Choice Award with your French Cavalry Kev. A very appropriate winner since I think Aart would really have loved it.

And you all, keep up the good painting work, Aart really loved painting his puppets (it sounds like I don't respect it, but joking together we called them something similar in Dutch), especially the last months of his live when he wasn't able to do much else then bending forward over his table with some 10 mm in his hands, painting, painting and painting (and he was of course as always thinking about new projects, something with ships that arrived after he passed away). It has been really important for him being able to do so.

It's really nice to see that you are still remembering him and honoring him with this contest. Thank you for that! One day I will tell Lucas, our one year old son that he has to take a look on this forum if he wants to understand a little of his fathers love for miniatures and wargaming.




Dank u, Wendel. All the best to you and Lucas.
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2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2015 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!