Painting Comp Feedback

Started by TinyTerrain, 01 March 2014, 10:54:49 AM

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The best of luck to everyone, however yet again I am going to stick my head above the parapet.

With 1 exception I made a conscious decison not to enter the competition this year. Last year I was struck by the number of existing members entering who have very litle involvement with the forum for the rest of the year, and the number of new forum members who join purely to enter the competition (presumably with a view to winning).I noted the same again this year. For me entering like this is not in the spirit if the forum.

Please don't get me wrong, it great to see enteries from some of our quieter members, but some times it does feel a little like with some members the only time there is interest in the forum is when there is a freebie up for grabs.

I for one am really impressed with the painting skill on show this year,  but if you enter and have any success please be good enough to share your knowledge with the forum members, and give a little back to the community. If your recognised as a great 10mm painter then perhaps aspire to also be a great 10mm forum member as well (even though theres no prizes). Theres regular requests from forum members for help with all sorts of info, and regularly its the same few members who take the time to help out.

I didnt want to pipe up whilst the competition was running, but now all enteries are in I had to say something as I know this has been discussed between forum members offline.


Tiny Terrain Models
All Periods, All scales

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Hmmmm. Inference, a forum loudmouth like me is a crummy painter. Sigh....evidence on your side, I know....
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.



I would rather an active forum member who contributes to the community like yourself, who chooses not to enter the comp, than someone who only posts to show us good they are with a brush.

I know I can be a grumpy whatsit,  but seeing post after posts of entries from people who are good painters but have little to do with the forum, leaves me a bit cold.

Just my opinion, I could be out of step with the majority on this,


Tiny Terrain Models
All Periods, All scales

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


I know what your saying Craig

Last years people's winner has only made 4 posts on the forum and I dont think entered this year
If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


Craig - I can see your point, but I'm not sure I fully agree. I think that it is great that Pendraken can attract a great level of painting to the competition - and if to a a degree that is driven by the prizes on offer, then so be it. The standard of entries has gone up loads - I was very pleased to win prizes in the first couple of years, but would be very surprised if my table top standard painting wins prizes this year.

Yes it would be fantastic if people who come for the painting comp stay around and chat, and share their knowledge and skills. But we also need to make sure that they feel welcome - and want to stay around. At times the forum can be quite a confusing place to keep up with - there is a high volume of nonsense and in jokes. Which takes some effort to sift through and I often find that with only catching up on the forum in the evenings, that stuff has moved on so far during a day, that I can barely do more that spectate.

Also different people have different interests - while many of us enjoy forums and the banter, there are many people who are much happy away from their computers.

My assumption is that the painting comp is to showcase the best of Pendraken painting and figures - and I think it is really succeeding in pushing up the level each year.

Well done to everyone who has entered - there are many fantastic entries. I think I am most impressed by the mini-dioramas that people are constructing, these are works of art, not gaming pieces.
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2017 Paint-Off - 3 x Winner!

My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at


I just haven't had much to say barring "when are the Gauls due" and "what are the flags in the Dutch or British WSS flag pack for?". Unusual, as intend to be an inveterate poster of rubbish!

I solemnly swear to talk more tripe on these here forums over the comin year ;)
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -


Quote from: toxicpixie on 01 March 2014, 12:33:03 PM
I just haven't had much to say barring "when are the Gauls due" and "what are the flags in the Dutch or British WSS flag pack for?". Unusual, as intend to be an inveterate poster of rubbish!

I solemnly swear to talk more tripe on these here forums over the comin year ;)

;D ;D
If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


Hi Fred, Fenton, Toxic,

Like I said it might just be me.

I too am very pleased to see the standard of painting rise year on year and like you Fred would think my chances of winning anything most unlikely, however this genuinely doesnt bother me, as I paint to play,  not paint for plaudits (I should be a bloody speech writer with lines like that).

I dont think its necessarily the volume of posts made by some competitors that irks but what's said. If you've only posted a hand full of times and they have predominantly been to wave a flag to show how good you are with a brush, I just get a bit blazè about it and think "Great x has painted another miniature,  yer there lovely, but......"

Theres a world between that and some forum members who are good forum contributors first and foremost,  who enter in the interest of the forum and competition, knowing they dont stand a cat in hells chance, but see it as a worthwhile competition to support. Yes it is a painting competition and the best entries should always win, but I take my hat of to the guys who have entered in the spirit of the forum rather than as an opportunity to get ANOTHER medal.

and yes before any one says it we will all get our chance to vote for the peoples choice,  ill have my say then  :-\


All Periods, All scales

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Craig, I understand what you're saying but for me the contribution these people make is to inspire me to do better in future.

Some of us have the time and inclination to post regularly and without us the forum would be a desert with tumbleweed rolling by.

But without the silent majority we would be shouting into the void ... or possibly a bunch of old codgers talking to themselves.

There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.

All Periods, All scales

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Quote from: Matt of Munslow on 01 March 2014, 10:25:30 AM
Good luck everyone, glad I'm not a judge!

I've got a 'blanking' headache ! X_X X_X X_X
Cheers - Phil


QuoteI entered every thread this year master.
Cool!  :-bd
For me, the best part of the competition is the push you get to advance in your  10mm projects.

QuoteOnly 13 entries in Twentieth Century foot, but some really good stuff in all threads!
20th C. Foot = WWII
Mayve we should expand the time range... (And thus, my dirty ancients would not have to compete against those brilliant napoleonics!) =)  ;D

Quoteawesome work. I know we say it every year, but this one has turned out to be the best in my opinion, some superb work.
Indeed. It's awesome to see how some painters improve their technic year by year. And there is also the new "acquisitions", with are making a very impresive debut. We should not rest on our laurels...  :D


2013 Painting Competition - Winner!
2013 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up!
2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2015 Painting Competition - People's Choice!
2016 Painting Competition - Winner!

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Quote from: hetairoi on 01 March 2014, 03:53:30 PM

20th C. Foot = WWII
Mayve we should expand the time range... (And thus, my dirty ancients would not have to compete against those brilliant napoleonics!) =)  ;D

We should not rest on our laurels...  :D

I know the majority of entries are WWII, but they could and this year do include the end of the Boar War all the way to modern 'insurgency' conflicts. It could have included Spanish Civil War, Chaco War, Third and Fourth Afgan Wars, Israel fighting for her survival several times,  The Football War, innumerable African conflicts, plus AVBCW and WWI.

I do agree about the split there, it makes sense with vehicles though.
I think it might be to do with sponsors and Dave's original interests! ;)
Don't rest on your laurels, the branches on the wreath won't hold our weight!
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


The Boar War's back! Forward, the Bacon Bombardiers! Salami snipers, give covering fire!
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.