Techno's WIP pics of 'Jim'!

Started by Leon, 15 May 2011, 01:30:00 AM

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I'll prep Jim for surgery then  ;D
That's you and me Kev..... that aren't convinced..And Nik's a definite 'don't like'

Well....I did say he was the Lord of Entropy didn't I ?....I agree...think he will look better with an arm rather than the tentacle....Calamari anyone ?  (YUK !)

Cheers - Phil ;)

O Dinas Powys

Quote from: Techno on 16 June 2011, 08:55:45 PM
Calamari anyone ?  (YUK !)

Stick it onto a well, grating or pool of water and you've got a "nice" surprise!  :d
(I know, even though it's fantasy  :o  ;)  )


Quote from: O Dinas Powys on 16 June 2011, 09:19:53 PM
Stick it onto a well, grating or pool of water and you've got a "nice" surprise!  :d

That's a great idea  :)

I should say that I think your sculpting is excellent - but the tentacle does look out of place now & makes him more cartoony than evil...and I reckon he'd be good evil  :d


24 June 2011, 07:34:08 PM #48 Last Edit: 24 June 2011, 07:36:00 PM by Leon
Here's the final updates to 'Jim':

Final of shots of Jim front and back before taking the tentacle off:

Tentacle and shoulder pad off....Blood everywhere...Unfortunately mine, not Jim's...(I will not make cuts towards myself...I will not make cuts towards myself...I will not make cuts towards myself...etc.....Bet I damn well will !!...Just give me a few months to get careless again.)
Start roughing out arm:

Shoulder pad replaced..(Might have to do that again...It looks a bit scruffy now)...Continue with arm/wristband...Make 'former' for hand.

The hand bothers me a little....I think it may prove too much of a swine to cast in that position....If I don't think it will work as is...I'll turn it into a clenched fist holding either a severed head, or a bag of 'treasure'....Casting wise I'm confidant that that would be fine.

Left hand ground down before doing the hand 'properly'..."Come on over here if you think you're hard enough !!"......add a tiny 'smidgin' of putty to the lower jaw.....Hopefully that just leaves the shoulder pads to neaten up now:

If anyone's wondering why I've used different types of putty...(Leon was)
I've just used those to give a bit more contrast in the parts of the model...hopefully to make things easier to see ???

Jim will have a friend very soon....Who'll be much more "10mm".

Well...When I say done.....I've just got to neaten up the spikes on his back: - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Jaw droppingly good!
You know his first 'quiff' head still needs a home!
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner



Thanks Lemmy, thanks Nik !!

Quiff head.? Not really sure what to do with that....Maybe on a base at some stage, like you suggested ?.... I think I might find a use for the tentacle though.

Cheers Phil. (Now I can get on with 'Colin'.....I must start thinking up proper names !)  ;D


Awesome Techno, just awesome 8)

Looking forward to Colin .........




Thanks to you too Kev !

Like Jim, Colin's gone just a little bit 'oops !' here and there at the moment....So I'll pester poor Leon to pop the piccies up as he progresses.
Feedback is just SO genuinely useful !

Cheers - Phil.