My WIP(s)

Started by capthugeca, 13 May 2011, 02:41:09 PM

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Nope, no inspiration there.

Just a reminder of why I never got  into Hawkwind in my youth.  :D
Life is too important to be taken seriously.


Quote from: capthugeca on 04 June 2011, 07:36:33 PM
Just a reminder of why I never got  into Hawkwind in my youth.  :D
;D My wife shares your opinion of Hawkwind


Quote from: Sandinista on 04 June 2011, 08:25:05 PM
;D My wife shares your opinion of Hawkwind

A mate of mine - being severely intoxicated at the time - fell asleep in front of one of their speaker stacks at a concert in the seventies . Not sure his hearing ever really recovered.  :-&
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


New figure looks very promising !

Couldn't say I was particularly keen on Hawkwind either....Did like "Doremifasso" (?), and a few other tracks though...Same as you Capthugeca...Give me Yes, Genesis, ELP et al any day of the week.

Cheers - Phil


Meanwhile, after a quick bit of "Supper's Ready" therapy, I've got so far on my cyclops:-

Now the question is how do I arm him. I don't want him just to have bear hands/fists so I am wondering about him using a broken stalactite as a club or perhaps holding rocks in both hands. I don't fancy giving him anything more civilsed than that.
Life is too important to be taken seriously.


"Walking across the sitting room...I saw a little cyclops striding..
Looking behind you... I saw him with a club...."

Keep it simple C.... It's working really well...

Cheers - Phil


Coming along very nicely  8)