Boxer Rebellion

Started by mortarion74, 21 March 2011, 10:38:23 PM

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Any thaughts on the boxer rebellion.

I am heavily into WWI and the pre-dread colonial period, and Pendraken cover fogures that can be used for most of these games, Russio-japanese war, seige of Tsingtau (hmmmm Beer)  and all that stuff, one thing from the range that is missing is chinese troops.  These can be used for boxer rebellion, Russio-japanese war, WWI (including western front - as they wernt given uniforms until 1917)   Sino-japanese war and all sorts of other stuff. 

No other company does the range and it would be a great addition to the existing range.

Maybe an old gamers pipe dream but I would love to know is anyone else is interested in a 10mm collection.  :-\
Always burn your bridges behind you, you never know who is going to try to follow.


I have a pet project in the wings to do the 1937 Sino-Japanese war. I was looking at using many figures from the WW1 range for the Chinese since most of the pictures I have seen so far are showing in gear similar to many European armies from WW1. And the heavy equipment looks end of war WW1 vintage.

Sooo, I dont know what could be done that was just Chinese for this war it looked all European. Maybe some Chinese militia groups. You can add my support if there can be some minis that will look like Chinese of the period  ;)


Just re-read first to land.... yep I am in :)
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


Yup!Chinese boxers and the Imperial army would be great along with character figures such as Charlton Heston, Ava Gardner and David Niven ........  ;)



Doh!  :-[   Just re-read the original post - talk about out in left field with my first post   :P

Yes a big VOTE for Boxer Rebellion figures   :D


Quote from: Blaker on 21 March 2011, 10:45:25 PM
I have a pet project in the wings to do the 1937 Sino-Japanese war. I was looking at using many figures from the WW1 range for the Chinese since most of the pictures I have seen so far are showing in gear similar to many European armies from WW1. And the heavy equipment looks end of war WW1 vintage.

Sooo, I dont know what could be done that was just Chinese for this war it looked all European. Maybe some Chinese militia groups. You can add my support if there can be some minis that will look like Chinese of the period  ;)

Thats a great project to do and you can get everything for it from Pendraken.  Its a project I have also thought of as I have alot in 20mm but cant be bothered to get the tanks etc. in that scale.

In 10mm chinese communist forces can be austrian early WWI, paint the uniform dark blue for winter, gray for summer, for republican chinese use late WWI german in helmet, Dark green/gray uniforms drifting to gray, some of the nationalist forces in the north like the opium barons were backed by britain so you have all sorts of uniform combinations.  You can also use WWI troops in turban for the nationalists too after all they were mostly muslim.  Obiously russians are WWII russians.
Always burn your bridges behind you, you never know who is going to try to follow.


some pictures of the chinese army from the Sino-japanese war and WWI

Always burn your bridges behind you, you never know who is going to try to follow.


more pics from above period and into the late 1920's.
Always burn your bridges behind you, you never know who is going to try to follow.


22 March 2011, 10:26:13 PM #9 Last Edit: 22 March 2011, 10:29:20 PM by mortarion74
Chinese troops in British service during the boxer rebellion and into the 20's  (note the Turban)  also used by chinese in the south west of china and in Burma (which by then had been taken by britain as a colony.) I should note that chinese in german service wore a blue coat and blue turban, the uniform remained under japanese rule and again under chinese rule until the late 30's.
Always burn your bridges behind you, you never know who is going to try to follow.



I'll add my voice, the first two pictures of Chinese troops from mortarion74 would be very handy for any interwar type army, a minor paint job and you have VBCW, SCW, South American conflicts, etc. I'd also add some Civilian volunteers for the Legation siege, similar but better sculpted than Redbox  ;D .

Could also be used in VBCW.




I never thought of it but alot of the chinese uniforms would pass for south american, and civilian late victorian/Edwardian troops would be very useful for all sorts of colonial games including WWI, Post WWI.
Always burn your bridges behind you, you never know who is going to try to follow.


Yes, would be interested.


Pendraken already has the guns in the range, German Krupp guns were used by the chinese, alot of them in fact, just need boxer crews. 
Always burn your bridges behind you, you never know who is going to try to follow.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Isnt it only the Chinese that are missing ?

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
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