New poses in Napoleonic range

Started by naponicoleone, 04 September 2024, 04:58:39 PM

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First of all sorry for my English. I hope my message will be understandable.

Are new Napoleonic figures planned in the future?

Because I am a big fan of the Napoleonic era. For example, I find that there is a big difference between the figures of the Napoleonic range and those of the AWI range. Both are magnificent. That is not the problem.

But there are many poses in the AWI range but I find too few poses in the Napoleonic range. For example, I would like French infantrymen in advancing pose (bayonets forward) or infantry with 5 or 6 different poses. In fact, as many different poses as in the AWI range. That would be perfect ;)


Hi - your English is great - don't worry about that!

One of the reasons the AWI has so many codes is that there has been direct customer commission of sculpts - and I think Clib enjoyed sculpting the ranges, so that probably has done a few extra variants too. 

One of the problems with Naps is there is just such a range of nations and uniforms to cover, and that is before you start on variant poses in those uniforms. 
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