Generic 7YW Figures

Started by far4ngn, 03 August 2024, 05:27:40 AM

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Looking at continuing my 10mm Imagi-Nation games, just wondering what 7YW army provides the most generic looking figures for small German principalities?  I had though using Marlburian Infantry as they'll be a few years behind.



If you equate small German principalities to Reichsarmee contingents then some with  Prussian style uniform and some in Austrian.  The French were really late adopting turnbacks - many states were adopting them much earlier than the SYW.

My (historical) Allied army has Prussian figures for Hessians and Brunswickers, Hanoverians as themselves.



As a very broad brush guide, the Northern and more Lutheran leaning principalities and duchies tended to look more like the Prussians and the Southern and more Catholic leaning ones tended to look more like the Austrians.  The Hanoverians looked quite similar to the British.
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So my area of interest is Saxony, near the Erzegebirge and on the border with Bohemia and Bavaria.  Not a big foot graphical area, but easy to paint some small armies :)