New Napoleonic rules - Twilight of the Emperor

Started by Hwiccee, 02 July 2024, 04:07:29 PM

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I am pleased to announce that the Twilight of the Emperor rules for the Napoleonic era are now available. They are available in English or in French from here -

The 'Twilight of ...' series of rules are designed to fight large historical battles with relatively reasonable numbers of figures and on a reasonably sized table. Infantry units represent around 3000 real men abd so are usually something like a brigade. Any sized figures or basing can be used.

Twilight of the Emperor is the 4th set in the series of rules. Previous sets cover the periods 1618 to 1770. These are Twilight of Divine Right/With Fire and Sword (1618-1680), Twilgiht of the Sun King (1680-1720) and Twilight of the Soldier Kings (1720-1770).


Awesome.  Always up to try new rules.

Any plans to release PDF?

Just a heads up, the "go to the catalog" link in English actually goes to the Sun King page.
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Yes there will be PDF's later.

Thanks for the link correction.


The PDF version of the Twilight of the Emperor rules for large Napoleonic battles in English and French are now available. See here -