Murfreesboro/Stones River: The Northern Flank (Scenario & AAR)

Started by Jemima Fawr, 07 June 2024, 04:58:26 PM

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Jemima Fawr

As mentioned here at the time, a couple of years ago I did a show demo game of the Battle of Murfreesboro or Stones River.  I've since dug the terrain-boards for that battle out for some smaller 'what-if' scenarios, including this one. 

In the actual battle, the original Union plan to attack the Confederate right flank on the morning of 31st December 1862 was swiftly cancelled when the Confederates got their own attack on the opposite flank in first.  So here, we decided to see what would happen if Crittenden's Union Left Wing Corps instead continued with the original plan and pressed home an attack on Breckenridge's Confederate Division on Wayne's Hill. 

Of course, in reality this would have spelled disaster for the Union, as Crittenden's troops were brought back over the Stones River and were instrumental in finally halting the Confederate assault, but it's a fun little scenario, so what the heck.  We actually played it on a triangular corner of the original terrain, but I've 'squared off' the map for the purposes of the scenario.

The scenario is designed for Fire & Fury 2nd Edition and the models are 10mm figures by Pendraken.

Here's the scenario:

And here's the AAR:

pierre the shy

Another great looking 10mm ACW game  :-bd

10mm really seems to capture the whole sweep of battlefield so well when you field several brigades a side.

Didn't realise that they were still using brigade/divisional level command flags (yes I did read the blog as well!  ;) ).

Thanks for taking the time to write up and post this report Jemima Fawr, good batreps are always interesting no matter what period they are set in.
"Bomps a's enough to make you weep!"

Jemima Fawr

Thanks Pierre!

Yes, the Confederates 'out west' at that time were carrying a variety of battle-flags.  The corps and divisional commanders often had a fancy silk version as their own personal standard and then all the subordinate units carried a much cheaper variation on their general's theme, though of course the flags varied and got mixed up as units transferred in and out of formations.

The Union headquarters flags in my game are a couple of months too early, as they were authorised in the spring of 1863, when the corps were numbered through the army and at roughly the same time that the Army of the Potomac regulated its own headquarters flags.  So while slightly anachronistic for Murfreesboro, they'll be great for Chickamauga. :)

pierre the shy

If I remember the words correctly....though it doesn't specifically relate to Murfreesboro:

"There was Lee, Beauregard and Bragg, and the south wind blew hard on that ragged ol' flag"

It's been a while since I have heard Johnny Cash played on the radio out here, on the stations I listen to anyway.
"Bomps a's enough to make you weep!"

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