British Stuarts in North Africa list

Started by Jordi, 13 May 2024, 05:27:46 AM

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Hi, I want to play with british in North Africa. And I see the límit for normal Stuart in the armour section is 1 for every 1000 points. Is this correct?
Thanks a lot for tour work.



There are 3 lines on the army list I'm looking at - the 1st M3 Stuart Honey has a limit of 12 per 1000 pts. 

I'm not really sure what the other 2 are meant to represent. 
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Perhaps my list is outdated. But, in my copy of the rulebook, in page 95 in the British Army in Africa there's 2 entrances for M3 stuart (one recce and an other without recce) and south are limited to 1 for every 1000 points.
Sorry for the  insistence and thanks.


In my copy there is no Honey line. If what you say is correct I'll have to look for the correct copy.
Thanks a lot.
12 Honey is good for my list.



QuoteIn the above post south = bouth


Had another look - the info I gave was from the 2019 PDF. Looking at the 2020 PDF I also have, it seems to have the same info as you. 

But just being able to field one M3 Stuart per 1000 seems wrong. There were whole regiments, if not brigades equipped with Stuarts in the desert
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2017 Paint-Off - 3 x Winner!

My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at


I think the same as you. I hope this is a type.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Have an exact figure and brigade number be this should not be far off-

Prior to Crusader - no Stuarts
Crusader - 22nd Armouerd? had 3 Regiments
Post that up to Alemain - at least one Brigade had regiments with 2 Squadronds of Grants - one of Stuarts. Note that Crusader Rgts had 2 Crusader 1 Grant
At Alemain one Brigade (7th?) down south had only Stuart.

Those figures suggest that in Crusader there should be no limit, for Gazala a limit 0f 5 per 1000 - a rgt here would be 5 Stuarts and 6-8 Grants (Grant Squadrons only had 3 troops +SHQ, Stuart 4 +SHQ)

For Alemain there should be no limit on Stuarts but no other tanks can be used...For the other Crusier Rgts its a mess - one at least had 1 Sqdn Sherman, 1 Crusader and one Grant. some were all Sherman, others mixed Shermans and Crusaders or Grants and Crusaders.

Mark has been known to make errors....
Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021

Big Insect

Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 13 May 2024, 02:15:51 PMMark has been known to make errors....

What! Who? Me? Naaaah  - you got the wrong bloke mate.

NB: I suspect that it is probably a copying error on my part, from the BKCII to BCKIV lists, and that 12 per,000 points for North Africa sound right. So I'd use that.

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