Circular metal bases - Foundry?

Started by henjed, 04 October 2023, 08:12:05 AM

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Hello all,

I've decided finally to do something with some figures I bought *an age* ago from Wargames Foundry (some conquistador types and some Elizabethan swashbucklers): I had half painted some (this must be 15 years ago) and stuck them onto circular 2cm diameter metal stands (approx. 2mm thick).  The stands have a v slightly uneven surface (not shiny smooth) and I think I must have bought them from Foundry too (albeit not enough for more than half of my figures) - although it seems that they no longer sell them.

Does anyone know where I can lay my hands on some like this? - all the ones I have seen online (in the UK at least) are 1mm thick.  I am a bit of a stickler for consistent base types and I don't want to prise the metal bases off my figures if  can help it...



erm, could you not buy 2 1mm bases and stick them together?
"I like coffee exceedingly..."
 H.P. Lovecraft

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Salah Askar,

My six degrees of separation includes Osama Bin Laden, Hitler, and Wendy James


A UK penny is 20mm round and approx 1.5mm thick.  Most  (especially the newer ones) magnetic due to the high steel content now days. I don't think you would notice the height difference once based. If it botherd you you could add a layer of the Ferro sheet from the site below.
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson


The old bronze ones are 1.52mm thick and are not magnetic. The newer copper-plated steel ones are 1.65mm thick. They are generally a lighter, shinier colour than the older ones and are magnetic.


Off the wall, you could try some of the various metal "superstores" online.

I use 0.8mm mild steel to line my storage trays so magnetised bases adhere.
Mild steel is great for magnetic "grab" through prone to surface rusting, so needs a protective layer.
They're pretty good at cutting squares and rectangles to order (provided you don't take the p***, when they'll start to charge).

Browse about and see whether they offer circular punching as a service.
Then contact them in their "Anything you can't see on our site" and enquire about 20mm punch-outs 2mm thick.


Some exceptional (and obvious) solutions suggested here - many thanks - I particularly liked flamingpig's (as in "Why didn't *I* think of that?")

Just re-measured my metal bases and they are actually 2.25cm or 2.3cm in diameter so pennies won't do, sadly (I think I must have been sodden with drink when I first measured them).


Or, if you can find a suitable geometry, steel washers.