US Infantry vs. Marines

Started by Raider4, 26 April 2022, 01:31:44 PM

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No, not a fight . . . figure compatability.

Looking at the US infantry range for Europe, don't like the pose of the .30 cal team AMF3.

If I used the pack from the Pacific Marines - MC17 - would they look out of place?



Sean Clark

I think you'll get away with a paint conversion no problem!
God's Own Scale podcast


Aye, thought so.

I guess I'm asking is there anything inherently different between Army & Marine uniforms that's noticeable at 10mm scale?

Sean Clark

On that point, I'm fairly sure for any differences we're minimal to the point you could either remove with a scalpel, or just paint in European theatre colours and no one will notice.

If you're worried about absolute accuracy, I'm not sure I have an answer for you  ;D
God's Own Scale podcast


The only difference is... do you prefer your machine gunners prone or crouched?! Slap US Army Green on them, they'll do fine :D
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