Free Books

Started by Gwydion, 17 August 2021, 12:00:39 PM

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Hi, I have the following books seeking a new home - postage cost only.

£3.20 each postage, UK only.

If you want more than one I'll combine postage where I can - weight 2kg the limiting factor.

The Secret Lives of Lawrence of Arabia – Bantam Press edition 1971 by Philip Knightley
An Ordinary Soldier by Doug Beattie MC – RIR – career and Afghanistan.
The Royal Navy in Old Photographs by Wilfrid Pym Trotter
Wolfpack: Hunting MIGs over Vietnam by Jerry Scutts
Machine Guns by Terry Gander
Napoleon's Military Machine by Philip Haythornthwaite
Cartoons of WWII ed by Tony Husband
The SS :Hitler's Instrument of Terror by Gordon Williamson
The Fall of France: Disaster in the West by George Forty
The First Destroyers by David Lyon
Warhammer: The Game of Fantasy Battles – Sixth edition.

If anyone wants any - post here and we can sort out payment and addresses via email.



Hi Gwydion
I'm interested in :
Wolfpack MIG Hunting in Vietnam.
the SS Hitlers instrument of terror
and Warhammer Sixth Edition


Okay Sean, that should be doable in two parcels.
email me at

gfarrish at msn dot com (in the @ . format of course :)


Hi Gwydion
ive just sent you a test e mail.


Books sent - tracking codes on email.
Hope you enjoy them


Still left:

The Secret Lives of Lawrence of Arabia – Bantam Press edition 1971 by Philip Knightley
An Ordinary Soldier by Doug Beattie MC – RIR – career and Afghanistan.
The Royal Navy in Old Photographs by Wilfrid Pym Trotter
Machine Guns by Terry Gander
Napoleon's Military Machine by Philip Haythornthwaite
Cartoons of WWII ed by Tony Husband
The Fall of France: Disaster in the West by George Forty
The First Destroyers by David Lyon


17 August 2021, 08:11:32 PM #6 Last Edit: 17 August 2021, 08:13:45 PM by Orcs
Hi Gwydion

If they ae still available I would like :-

Cartoons of WWII ed by Tony Husband
The Fall of France: Disaster in the West by George Forty

PM Sent
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson


Okay, those two are gone - leaving:

The Secret Lives of Lawrence of Arabia – Bantam Press edition 1971 by Philip Knightley
An Ordinary Soldier by Doug Beattie MC – RIR – career and Afghanistan.
The Royal Navy in Old Photographs by Wilfrid Pym Trotter
Machine Guns by Terry Gander
Napoleon's Military Machine by Philip Haythornthwaite
The First Destroyers by David Lyon

if anyone wants - pm or email as above.


More free books:

same deal as above - postage only- £3.20 per book (except last one - The Ship - which will be £2.39) - UK only:

Battledress: The Uniforms of the World' Great Armies ed I.T. Schick Intro by Alun Chalfont.
Army Life in the '90s Philip Warner – Photographic history of the British army in the 1890s.
The Empire at War, John Bowie. Photographic record of British Empire Wars 1848-1908.
Falkland's Armoury: The weapons, webbing, insignia and trophies from the Falklands War, 1982. Marshall Cavendish - no author listed.
The Ship, Steam, Steel and Torpedoes. National Maritime Museum.

PM me or post here if interested in any and we can sort out payment and addresses- I'll combine postage where possible.