What has happened to the forum?

Started by mollinary, 15 June 2021, 10:58:32 AM

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Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 15 June 2021, 02:35:12 PM
Sounds as if your iPad is not fully compatible...and try changing browsers on the PC. Is it Windows or Mac ?

Windows 7
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There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

John Cook

Very odd.  I see all the sections on all my devices from PC (Windows 10) to iPhone and iPad.


The usual advice about clearing cookies and cache may apply here.

Otherwise "Have you tried logging off and loggin on again".



I've noticed that the number of posts is a seasonal thing, where, as the weather improves (ie the rain gets warmer  :)) that means that the number of posts decreases!!

I was worried that people were falling off the perch at one stage, but I now see it as a natural progression of the seasons.



Steve J

Yep, Summer tends to be quieter, especially when the school holidays kick in etc. Add in the lack of gaming opportunities, shows to visit etc due to the lockdowns, then I think this goes some way to explain why the forum has 'changed'.

Techno II

I think you're absolutely right, Vic.....

I'm sure each 'summer' the number of posts drops.

I've not been about so much, 'cos I'm rushed off my feet....making the wee men and helping Von with the sorting out her Mum's 'estate'. (HAH !!)

I'm also coping with my eyes going VERY weird over the last few months.....They seem to be 'improving' from the last time I had my eyes tested.

My newest glasses work fine with the optivisor for making the wee men.....But anything beyond a few feet away is pretty blurred.
I noticed this the most when driving....and watching TV.

Going back to specs that are two prescriptions old works fine for driving, and watching the box.....But doing things like typing on the PC is a pain....which is why I'll pop in and have a look at the forum, first thing, before I start pushing putty...(With the newest glasses)......But at the end of 'work' I really want to put on the specs that let me focus on things more than a few inches away !

I can't believe that this is some sort of weird side effect from the COVID jabs......Just a bit of a strange coincidence time wise.

Cheers - Phil. :)

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Doubt it's the Covid jabs Phil. You may need varifocals (sp) given your long range vision is better with an old precription.
Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Yea Phil
sounds like your eyes are changing due to old prescription better for driving.
on your last eye test did they check both short and long?

John Cook

Crikey!  The last thing you want to do is compromise where eyesight is concerned, and, according to my optician (though they have an ulterior motive in selling me new specs), that includes using old prescriptions.

I've had a pair specifically for the PC for more than 20 years (it's a Health and Safety requirement for PC users in the workplace).  I also use off-the-shelf reading specs up to 4x magnification when I need them.  Have you considered watch repairers' spectacles, with separate adjustable lenses up to 25x? 

None of my business, I know, but if I were you I'd get to the optician and get those symptoms checked. 


Isn't the prescibed test for any possible eye problem nowadays is to drive your wife to a local beauty spot, at least 30 miles away, on her birthday?

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021

Techno II

Quote from: sean66 on 16 June 2021, 07:25:47 AM
Yea Phil
sounds like your eyes are changing due to old prescription better for driving.
on your last eye test did they check both short and long?


I am truly VERY short sighted.

At my last test, the 'operative' said....."Oooh...your right eye has deteriorated quite a lot in two years.....and you've got  the beginnings of cataract in that eye, as well.".. (Deep joy) X_X

Right eye at that point was minus 11 diopter.....deteriorating from minus 9 and a bit.

The complete sod, at my age, is that I also DO suffer from 'long sight'......I really couldn't wear bifocals, making the wee men.....The dear old optivisor has to help with that.

No wonder I get headaches.  :(


Techno II

I forgot to mention.......

I'm STILL 'the man'.......You should have seen the trail of blood, outside.....from me catching the back of my hand on the cover of the boiler's vent, a couple of days ago.

CSI would have about a dozen yellow triangular markers, marking the trail.

Phil. :(