Dothraki Proxies

Started by Heedless Horseman, 15 May 2021, 03:48:34 AM

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Heedless Horseman

15 May 2021, 03:48:34 AM Last Edit: 15 May 2021, 03:58:03 AM by Heedless Horseman
Dothraki! (Crossposted from 'Requests'   'Sheilds...'

Quote from: Heedless Horseman on 28 April 2021, 05:16:46 AM
So true! I am awaiting some 'Mounted Plains Indians with Tomahawk' and 'Kneeling Aztec Commoner Bowmen'... plus 'Unicorns!'  ;D
Theory is... could drill hand of Plains Indian to take an 'Arrak' bent and flattened from a fine brush bristle.
The Aztec fella 'could' be debased and 'pinned'... (rather painfully!)... onto a de-horned Unicorn... though Horse 'tack' would  also need to be added.

Hmm. Have taken a 'look' at the figs without cutting, and they seem 'do-able'. There is also a 'Standing with knife' fig who could be sparingly added with Arrak or Bow conv. 'Another manufacturer' makes  Plains Indians with bow and spear... their horses are not so 'Dothraki Charge' animated.. but would 'do' as 'filler' figs on a large'ish base!

So. Maybe. Would need a lot of fiddly work... and might not win prizes for 'Historical Accuracy', but... If someone really wants a Dothraki Horde...(of sorts!)... the figs ARE there!

Although I haven't looked closely... (Can hardly 'see' the damn figs without magnifiers!)... 'Kiera' could maybe be induced to cling to a suitably sized Dragon with filing...or maybe an old Amazon... dressed, lol! . There MUST be Dragons in other scales which would proxy Drogon & Bros. ! lol.
Sadly, 'Jim' is too large for 'The Night King'... (who says... it's Fantasy!)... but PenD skeleton/ zombie undead...  ;) ;) ;)

So...   8) :'( ;) :D

LOL!   :D

As this may be an obscure post, I may crosspost to another thread...   ;)

Well, have done so... 'ish!  ;) lol.
(40 Yrs ago. I should have been an Angry Young Man... but wasn't.
Now... I am an Old B******! )  ;)

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Years ago I wrote a whole load of army lists for wargaming in Westeros, using the Warmaster rules.

Sadly it now sits on my abandoned projects pile (of shame), in part due to the lack of available figures to make convincing Dothraki.

Good luck with your project!


Are you doing book dothraki or TV dothraki? Book ones could be proxies with Sarmatian horse archers ASA3. ASA4 could be a good mix in too.

Heedless Horseman

Quote from: mmcv on 15 May 2021, 08:39:11 AM
Are you doing book dothraki or TV dothraki? Book ones could be proxies with Sarmatian horse archers ASA3. ASA4 could be a good mix in too.
TV Dothraki? Even scarier! Eye make up DOES look good though! LOL... (Sorry, couldn't resist!).   ;)
OK, LOOSELY based on the TV show. So, no headgear, tunics or horse armour. Figs might not be perfect, but in 10mm, unless looking at enlarged pics, it is the 'overall impression' which could work well.

Same with other armies. PenD range is so big that figs from several periods COULD work well with some conversion work.
Undead well catered for.
Lannisters... Samurai with kite shields added.
The North / Ironborn... various 'Dark Age'. LOADS of proxies!
Baratheon Cav... ECW or Conquistadors... with appropriate shields/lances. Inf, ditto but with pike cut down to spears.
Bolton forces... several pos. There are also figs from 'another source' which would do.... and nobody likes them, anyway!  ;)
Nightwatch / Wildlings... many possibles... cloaks may be a prob... but who would fight in a cloak unless a TV hero?
Dornish. You don't see all that many, but Ottoman/ Persians.
'Eastern Continent' mercs... ditto.
Unsullied. Hmm. Probably Greek with helmet alterations.
Loads of pos for archers or Knights, etc. in Plate.
Skorpions... catered for... or slightly larger scale?
Giants / Mammoths... some 'possibilities'... or could 'upscale'?
Dragons... how BIG have they grown???

In 10mm, a LOT would simply depend on paint COLOURS, rather than actual figures, for overall effect.
'Hero' / Command figs just done slightly different to stand out.

One 'difficulty' might be basing. Different climates! I would probably go for a bare 'medium' Earth with tufts of dessicated or green'ish grass. Would depend on your mat.

LOTS of possibilities! Depends on how much fiddly conversion work you want to put in! Will I get round to it? Maybe!!!  ;)

Cost... well, 28mm about £30 for FOUR Cav based on 'book' 'impressions'...IF I go for it, it will be 10mm! Lol!

(40 Yrs ago. I should have been an Angry Young Man... but wasn't.
Now... I am an Old B******! )  ;)