Open - Army - Entries Only!

Started by Leon, 31 January 2021, 09:29:34 PM

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24 February 2021, 07:57:59 PM #15 Last Edit: 24 February 2021, 08:06:19 PM by Forez42
Hello, this my Russian's army during WWII,


2018 Painting Competition - Winner!
2021 Painting Competition - 2 x Winner!
2021 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Winner!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Winner!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2024 Painting Competition - 3 x Winner!


Italian Wars of Unification 1848–70
Papal States

Big Insect

27 February 2021, 12:20:38 AM #17 Last Edit: 28 February 2021, 07:50:44 PM by Leon
Samurai Apes Army - Pendraken Warband

The full army:

This is as follows: Diamyo back centre, flanked by 2 units of Warriors (one on the left is upgraded to Powerful) and a Drummer add-on in front
2nd row from rear has Primordial Ones (left), Water Elementals (centre) and Temple Guardians (right);
3rd row has Samurai Tiger Riders (left), Kraken - magic users (centre) and Spirit Tigers (right);
the 4th (front) row are 3 units of Samurai Ape Archers (classified as Defensive, Formed and Shieldwall (behind their rice-straw bale pavices)

The Kraken (magic user) in his protective enclosure, supported by fire elementals:

The Temple Guardians and Water Elementals:

Primordial Ones - the dice holder & MDF base are Minibits - the primordial ones are "little more than sentient ooze" courtesy of B&Q ready-mixed wall filler!

Samurai Mounted Archers on Spirit Tigers:

This is not the complete army - there are more Samurai archers, a Fire Elemental, an Earth Elemental, an Air Elemental and more mounted Samurai and Spirit Tigers on the painting bench.

Many thanks
'He could have lived a risk-free, moneyed life, but he preferred to whittle away his fortune on warfare.' Xenophon, The Anabasis

This communication has been written by a dyslexic person. If you have any trouble with the meaning of any of the sentences or words, please do not be afraid to ask for clarification. Remember that dyslexics are often high-level conceptualisers who provide "outside of the box" thinking.


27 February 2021, 07:17:12 PM #18 Last Edit: 28 February 2021, 07:51:20 PM by Leon
Tarleton's Army at Cowpens, 1781


27 February 2021, 07:36:31 PM #19 Last Edit: 28 February 2021, 07:51:51 PM by Leon
My entry is my Royalist Army for the English Civil War.


28 February 2021, 03:14:29 AM #20 Last Edit: 28 February 2021, 07:53:50 PM by Leon
This is the Pendraken part of my Classical Greek army used for my Command and Colors miniatures game. It has Three phalanx Greek hoplites, Slingers, Cretan archers, one light cavalry all from the old line of Pendraken Ancient Greek figures. Some modifications and a mix in of some other Pendraken figs. Also one unit of the new Thessalian light cavalry GRE9.

Click the images to view the full size pictures.



28 February 2021, 12:25:10 PM #21 Last Edit: 28 February 2021, 12:32:50 PM by Vincenzo21
Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 Italian CTV "Corpo Truppe Volontarie". Battle of Guadalajara 1937.



My Aztec Army:

The Altepetl Calpulli infantry along with the Cuāuhocēlōtl (Eagle & Jaguar Societies) and Cuauhchique (Shorn Ones) heroes:

The Tlatoani (King) with his bodyguard and Tlamacaztequihuaque Warrior Priests:


My entry is this HOTT Orc/Goblin army.  (only taken me 20 years to get it painted!!) 

The orc Hordes! (and a warband general)

IMG_20210228_122710_3 by magpiestear, on Flickr

Wargs and wolf riders to protect the flanks

IMG_20210228_122505_3 by magpiestear, on Flickr

Trolls provide some heavy muscle!

IMG_20210228_122408_1 by magpiestear, on Flickr

Bat swarms to provide some aerial cover and to blot out the sun!

IMG_20210228_122522_1 by magpiestear, on Flickr

A 'friendly' giant spider from Mirkwood, reday to lurk in the undergrowth.

IMG_20210228_122537_2 by magpiestear, on Flickr


Slightly different type of photo, army and a half glued down in take away boxes ready to move house.

I think its going to be difficult to pick winners with so many great entries.

Army in transit by Edward Coyle, on Flickr


Duchy of Warsaw

1st , 2nd and 3rd Regiments of infantry , 1st and 2nd Battalions
2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th and 8th Uhlans,
1 Battery of foot and 1 of horse artillery (pre 1810 swap to busby)


28 February 2021, 08:37:56 PM #27 Last Edit: 28 February 2021, 08:43:07 PM by Leon
Here's my complete Hoplite Greek army for the Persian Wars. There are 20 bases of hoplites, roughly 10 figures each. coming to around 200 hoplites. My goal was to recreate the force at Marathon in about 1:50 scale. The hoplite phalanx is supported by bow psiloi in the front, peltasts on one flank, and medium and light cavalry on the other. I'm rather pleased with the end result :-)

IMG_20210228_133104056 by Christopher Haenze, on Flickr

IMG_20210228_133345980 by Christopher Haenze, on Flickr

IMG_20210228_133357470 by Christopher Haenze, on Flickr

IMG_20210228_133406935 by Christopher Haenze, on Flickr


28 February 2021, 08:44:51 PM #28 Last Edit: 28 February 2021, 08:47:00 PM by Leon
Bonaparte's Army of Italy, 1796

dhArmy1 by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr

dhArmy2 by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr

dhArmy3 by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr

dhArmy4 by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr

dhArmy5 by Leon Pengilley, on Flickr
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2018 Painting Competition - 3 x Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


2011 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2017 Paint-Off - 3 x Winner!

My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at