The Marvelous Miscellany of MMcV

Started by mmcv, 30 May 2020, 03:19:20 PM

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O Dinas Powys

Quote from: fsn on 30 May 2020, 05:42:01 PM
Is he doing the Time Walk?

Very fond of the Time Walk is our Phil.

Doesn't get out to the shows much ... not now his legs can't take the stockings.

He can still manage the jumps to the left and the jumps to the right, but the pelvic thrusts ... strong men have been known to faint 

Isn't that the chap to the right of Richard O'Brien - in the red?  :-\

(I know, even though it's fantasy  :o  ;)  )

O Dinas Powys

Quote from: Techno on 30 May 2020, 05:54:06 PM
Nah...That's not a selfie.

Hair's too short.

Pelvic thrusts ?..With MY back ?

Belting work, again, Matthew.  :-bd

Cheers - Phil

Yes, but remember, these were sculpted a few years back, when we still had hairdressers and other such crazy frivolities  :o
(I know, even though it's fantasy  :o  ;)  )

O Dinas Powys

Quote from: mmcv on 31 May 2020, 07:28:17 PM
Some more experiments for the board here. Added some tile spacers on top of the ones hidden by the filler and flocking around them. Looking a bit better. Also tried a couple with various bits below the flock to create small mounds.

At the top left I've tried with doubled spacers and waiting some bits to dry. May need another layer of flock.

To the right of that I've hidden a magnet under the flock and have a small clump on ferrous paper drying to see how it works.

Fingers crossed :-SS
(I know, even though it's fantasy  :o  ;)  )


I take it the Time Walk is like the Time Warp, but slower?  ;D

Some Chinese halberdiers painted up while awaiting things drying tonight.

Alas my master plan of basing everything on a 40x20 standard is ruined by forward pointing polearms which overlap the base edge and cause issues on enemy base contact. Will likely end up basing these on a 40x30.


Looking good.  Are the Crusaders/Saracens for TTS?

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Quote from: notmatthew on 01 June 2020, 01:42:22 AM
Looking good.  Are the Crusaders/Saracens for TTS?

Not specifically though I have used it for TTS. Initially put it together for Hail Caesar as that was the first rule book I got. This unfortunately meant I started basing cavalry on 50x50 rather than 40x40 on their recommendations. Not a big issue for HC or TtS but the other period specific ruleset I use, Soldiers of God, does favour similar frontage and number of bases. Oh well!

The Aztecs are going to be primary using TtS though.


Posted the pics all here for anyone who doesn't want to flick through the previous pages on the thread:


Ordered a bunch more packs from Newline to fully kick off Early Imperial China. Not basing the current figures just yet as want to try a mixed figure basing.

The board experiment I still need to add next layer of flocking/grass. The tile spacers when painted to match the flock are looking decent. The magnet under the flock worked well but need to think some more about how the markers on top will look. My experimental marker doesn't blend in as nicely as I'd hoped, though may just need to make the base of it smaller still.

Will maybe grab some pictures in the next day or two.


02 June 2020, 12:49:14 AM #38 Last Edit: 02 June 2020, 12:51:08 AM by FierceKitty
I'm waiting for a junk from Navwar. My Han are going into action with naval support next time; with the new crouching tiger catapults, I hope they'll give the Qin a better fight now.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


It's good junk! Especially if it lets me land a unit of Han sword-and-buckler men behind Qin lines.

What is the ancient Tibettan word for "twerp"?
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Good luck with that!

Preview of the Chinese. This colour scheme is what I'm going to use for most of the Chu. The Qin I'll probably go for lots or martial black and red. The Han I'm leaning towards green or yellow.


I'm given to understand that the Han used red as their imperial colour. Chu made a lot of use of black (or dark charcoal, I suppose). What this implies for pre-imperial commoners, I'm not sure.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


I've gone for grey trim/under clothing on them with the white cotton armour and polished scales. Mostly based on the look of the Chu from the historical series "King's War". Somewhat fanciful I'm sure but I like the look and aim to have nice big white flags with a Chu character on it.

The Qin I've always viewed as being quite dark, so plan to do them with dark grey armour and red trim. I know what you mean about the Han, a lot of the artwork tends to show them in a dull reddish or even vaguely purple colour. May give that a go, though as I'm mostly aiming for around the late Warring States, Qin Rebellion and Chu-Han Contention periods I suspect things were a bit more raggedy for Liu Bang and his Han-some devils. And when I come to put the Han up against the Xiongnu I'll likely just draw from whatever's available in the collection.

I may give commands slightly different colouring - e.g. my Chu army will likely have two main commands so may give one grey trim and one blue trim to differentiate. They can all also be used for other states in the period.

Basing wise I'm thinking the Qin will have mixed halberds and crossbows, the Chu mixed halberds and swordsmen and not quite sure on the Han yet.


Well, the Han were heirs to the whole lot. Btw, you might find some of the Mongol LC useful for Hsiung Nu.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.