Master list for the new Korean War range - Input required!

Started by Leon, 25 October 2016, 08:44:17 PM

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Which of these ranges would you be most likely to buy first?

American - Early war kit
11 (20.4%)
American - Later war kit
18 (33.3%)
British - Tropical kit
7 (13%)
British - Commandos
11 (20.4%)
British - Later war kit
21 (38.9%)
North Korean
32 (59.3%)
South Korean
12 (22.2%)
Chinese - Summer kit
12 (22.2%)
Chinese - Winter kit
25 (46.3%)

Total Members Voted: 54


Quote from: Sunray on 27 October 2016, 09:28:20 AM
Secondly please don't give Techno excuses !  I can just hear Phil "They have to do more research before I release my precious sculpts to Leon" .

Nah....I'm just waiting for the lists to be prioritized, so I know which order I'll be doing them.

THEN  (James  ;)) you'll be getting bombarded with emails, such as "What's this dude look like then ?.....Point me at some piccies......What about the kit on his back *...Does this look right ?  ;)

To a great extent, once I've got a single figure from a range 'right', I can basically 'copy' my original sculpt, as far as the uniform is concerned !

Cheers - Phil  (*Like the one you've already sent....That one was brill.)


Quote from: Techno on 27 October 2016, 09:46:29 AM
Nah....I'm just waiting for the lists to be prioritized, so I know which order I'll be doing them.

THEN  (James  ;)) you'll be getting bombarded with emails, such as "What's this dude look like then ?.....Point me at some piccies......What about the kit on his back *...Does this look right ?  ;)

To a great extent, once I've got a single figure from a range 'right', I can basically 'copy' my original sculpt, as far as the uniform is concerned !

Cheers - Phil  (*Like the one you've already sent....That one was brill.)

Happy to help in getting these little masterpieces to my table !  I see Nick Frost and his mates are still in 37 pattern web.  And even in British service bits of 37 were to linger on for a long time.  44 web had a short shelf life.   The reality check is that in reality, Brits and Commonwealth troops ras and pinch a lot of other people's kit. I had Norwegian shirts,  Swedish boots,  Dutch DPM trousers and a bits of US web.  Then a new RSM arrived .......


M75 apc were only used in the final weeks of the war and only a couple of them, M39 apc maybe a better bet used more extensively.




Quote from: Techno on 27 October 2016, 09:46:29 AM
Nah....I'm just waiting for the lists to be prioritized, so I know which order I'll be doing them.

THEN  (James  ;)) you'll be getting bombarded with emails, such as "What's this dude look like then ?.....Point me at some piccies......What about the kit on his back *...Does this look right ?  ;)

To a great extent, once I've got a single figure from a range 'right', I can basically 'copy' my original sculpt, as far as the uniform is concerned !

Cheers - Phil  (*Like the one you've already sent....That one was brill.)

You mean we can stop talking about the VLA range (Very Late Aztecs) when Leon is in ear shot?

Matt J

I'm interested in all aspects of this one particularly the winter war and I notice this is doing well in the polls. However maybe a more logical, even chronological range release maybe better.
Eg start with early us, north Korean and rok.
Then add in this order
Tropical Brit
Summer Chinese
Winter Chinese
Late war us
Late war Brit

Surely it will be easier for techno to convert summer Chinese to winter than the other way around
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If  you want a gander at plastic Korean war figures (with a lot of mistakes in dress and weapons- ie US troops with Bren guns) have a look at the Plastic Soldier Review.  and click on IMEX Korean War.

The review is quite brutal and well educated in criticism.    IMEX opted for the summer look. 

In the case of RoK it does give a flavour of the conversion potential - via a simple paint job- inherent in the figures


Quote from: Matt J on 27 October 2016, 01:11:15 PM
Surely it will be easier for techno to convert summer Chinese to winter than the other way around
Dammit! That sounds logical.  >:(
Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
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Yes, it certainly is.

I shouldn't have to 'pick' too much 'vulcanized' green stuff from the metal dolly if we do it that way round.

Picking green stuff off a used dolly is a RIGHT pain......Though Clibby & I have worked out a damn good (and relatively easy) way to do this....(You wouldn't believe it..... ;D ;D ;D)

It DOES depend on how well the wee men survive the pressing process initially......
Some come out, almost 'as new'......Others get pretty much, completely trashed.

Cheers - Phil

Matt J

Phil - wouldn't you just convert a casting from the original green rather than than the original green itself?

ie casting of summer chinese, add more hat and padded jacket, remould (or is there something I'm missing).

This happens alot in the jewellery trade - 'oh that ring will sell well to our customers, buy it, stick it in a mould away you go...'
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I have plugged the new proposed range on MHO forum wargames section.  One son of a Korean Vet responded with some comments.

1.  Chinese used pole charges (probably a crude version of the  Bangalore) . This could be used both to blow wire, or blow the tracks off a Centurion.  With no armour they obviously had to be resourceful.  Do we want a figure with pole charge .

2.  The KPA allegedly more fanatic than Chinese.

3. 45mmAT gun used for close support.  I assume it had an HE shell?


Quote from: Matt J on 27 October 2016, 04:18:12 PM
Phil - wouldn't you just convert a casting from the original green rather than than the original green itself?
ie casting of summer chinese, add more hat and padded jacket, remould (or is there something I'm missing).
This happens alot in the jewellery trade - 'oh that ring will sell well to our customers, buy it, stick it in a mould away you go...'

Certainly can, Matt.
To a great extent, it depends on how much of a mess I have to make reaming off bits that need to be re-done.

It CAN be time consuming, in the respect that I have to keep clearing the white metal dust from the desk, so that doesn't get mixed in with fresh g/s......and washing my mitts every few minutes, for the same reason.
Sometimes it can be quicker doing it that way.....Other times, it barely saves any time at all.

It's definitely dependent on how much (or little) I have to 'clean' from the master casting.....And I tend not to know how much I need to do until I actually start converting the wee man.

Cheers - Phil.

Matt J

Cheers Phil, always interested to know more about the processes.

I think I'm going to have to put my first order in - T-34/85's some SU-76's and some Chaffee's to be blown up.
2012 Painting Competition - Winner!
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Quote from: Matt J on 28 October 2016, 12:21:37 PM
Cheers Phil, always interested to know more about the processes.

I think I'm going to have to put my first order in - T-34/85's some SU-76's and some Chaffee's to be blown up.

As a point of interest Matt- what rules will you play?  BKC or CWC ?   Do you favour the old "Close Attack" of BKC?


Quote from: Sunray on 28 October 2016, 11:03:58 AM
3. 45mmAT gun used for close support.  I assume it had an HE shell?
I believe so. The "Red army Handbook" says it did. (The 1942 45mm version.)
Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

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