January 2016 Newsletter!

Started by Leon, 25 January 2016, 12:55:45 AM

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25 January 2016, 12:55:45 AM Last Edit: 09 June 2016, 12:25:31 AM by Leon

Welcome to the Pendraken Miniatures newsletter!

First off, happy New Year to everyone!  We hope you all enjoyed your holidays and are full of hobby enthusiasm for the coming months... or something like that!

2016 News!

2015 was a great year for us but we've got even more planned for the next 12 months!  Rather than go through it all here, we've put all of the information up on the Forum, so head over and have a read about it here, including:

> Price increase (unfortunately...)
> 2016 release schedule
> News on BKC

Painting Competition!

With the new year out of the way, it must be time for the annual Pendraken Painting Competition!  Running throughout the month of February, the contest always sees a fantastic standard of painting, pushing the boundaries of what's possibly in 10mm ever higher.  For all of the information on this year's competition, head over to the new Painting Competition board.

Latest Releases!

2015 saw us release a massive 230 new codes into our catalogue, all of which can be seen here.  And while we may only be a few weeks into the new year, we've already been busy on the releases!

> League Of Augsburg - These were previewed only a short while ago by Clibinarium himself, and in a first for Pendraken, we're offering them up for pre-order!

> Wooden Bridge - Among the plans for this year are a variety of new scenery pieces modelled and produced for us by the talented John Lowen at Ironclad Miniatures, and the first of these was this excellent Wooden Bridge.

> Wood Elves - These sneaked through just in time for Christmas, adding a 7th army to the Warband ranges.  Next up will be the Lizardmen, coming very soon!
> Toldi IIa - Just a small release here, adding the Toldi IIa to our small WWII Hungarian range.
> Epsilon Hangar - We also added to the products we stock from Epsilon Escenografia with a really nice painted hangar.

In The Pipeline!

There's not been a lot of items arriving over the Christmas period, but our talented sculptors have been busy on a few things.  First up, we previewed our revamped T-34 before Christmas, as well as a new 90mm Italian AA gun.  And then after the holiday period, Martin posted up some sneak pics of the new US armour he's been working on.

There'll be some more stuff coming very soon, so keep an eye out for those!


This year we'll be attending 16 shows across the UK, a list of which can be found here.  As always, we'll need pre-orders for these sending to us at least 7 days before the event.

First up will be Vapnartak in York, taking place on Sunday 7th February at York Racecourse.  We'll need any pre-orders for this one by next weekend please, and for more info on the show itself, head over to the York club website.

Minibits Corner!

Minibits normally holds a sale in the run-up to Christmas, but with things being so busy towards the end of last year we just didn't have chance.  So we decided to have a January Sale instead!  We've got 10% off all our MDF bases, 20% off the full I-94 range of decals, and a huge 30% off all of our Miltia Miniatures range.   The sale ends in only a week, so grab yourself a bargain now!

And finally!

We've got a lot of plans for the coming year and there's a few areas we need some help with.  So, we're on the lookout for a selection of part-time/freelance workers to help us with some graphic design and video filming among other things, so let us know if you can help with any of these.

Thanks for reading!

www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!