Rules Q&A

Started by Chieftain, 01 February 2015, 10:13:01 PM

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Pursuit moves seem very powerful.

Am I playing this correct.
1st example.
My bison riders force a unit to rout which is destroyed because it leaves table edge or can't end its move. My bison riders can now pursuit move 4bw and charge the closest target?
2nd example
My bison riders force a unit to rout and pursuit them killing catching  them, killing them and contact another unit after completing its 4bw of movement so completing another charge.

My bison riders seemed unstoppable last game haha.


You are correct in both cases.

Remember of course that the pursuit move melee is fought in the following turn, giving the opponent the opportunity to respond.

As for Bison Riders, if you allow them to make a direct charge they can be devastating.  The tactic therefore is to prevent this.   ;)  Their weakness of course is poor Protection.
Its actually relatively easy to stop the pursuit charge too, since if you inflict two hits, the unit has to fall back and therefore cannot pursue...something to consider spending those CPs on, to make sure you get the two hits?
Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Thanks boss. Just wanted to make sure before I buy more bison riders for the tournament in Milton Keynes

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner

Kaiser Bill

If a unit is pushed back from taking two hits, and has a friendly unit behind, does it pass through, or does it take a hit?


Quote from: Kaiser Bill on 27 April 2016, 03:39:40 PM
If a unit is pushed back from taking two hits, and has a friendly unit behind, does it pass through, or does it take a hit?

See "Fall back moves", third bullet point on p23.

It is blocked, does not move and takes an additional hit.

The resolute special ability helps with this little problem!  As does careful unit placement.

Official Guru of our Warband rules!

Kaiser Bill

Thanks. Was blasted by dwarf canon whilst group moving. General right behind the unit taking the fire.  At least I could still charge


If you take two hits but can't be moved back and take the extra hit can you then pursuit if the enemy has fell back? Or because you took two hits and should have fell back you can't pursuit ?


Quote from: Badgertheking on 04 May 2016, 09:59:04 PM
If you take two hits but can't be moved back and take the extra hit can you then pursuit if the enemy has fell back? Or because you took two hits and should have fell back you can't pursuit ?

Hi Badgertheking,

The unit cannot pursue as it has taken two hits and was forced to fall back.  Although its fall back move is blocked (forcing the extra hit), it still counts as having made a fall back move.
Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Just a quick question after our first game.

A unit taking two hits, can it fall back through friends in contact to its rear?

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Quote from: owaincaesarius on 14 December 2016, 08:05:24 AM
Just a quick question after our first game.

A unit taking two hits, can it fall back through friends in contact to its rear?

Hi owaincaesarius.

No, friends block a fall back move, as defined under the blocking conditions for fall backs:

Cannot complete a full 1BW move (e.g. it is prevented by friends, enemies, a table edge or impassable terrain)

This also relates to the Interpenetration rules:

During a basic or restricted move, or a rout move, a unit may interpenetrate (pass through) any friendly unit.

Note, the conditions do not include a fall back outcome move.

Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Cheers. Thzgis how  read it but being used to DBA etc...didn't want to believe it. :)

Duke Speedy of Leighton

This one foxed us tonight,
Unit A is on the edge of rough going, takes two hits and falls back. Nice and clear, 1bw, ignore terrain, as the rules state.
Unit B has the option to pursue, does it go normal follow up move, ignoring terrain, or half speed, slowed by the choss.
We went with A.
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner