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Painting Diaries / Re: Fred’s 2024 Painting and G...
Last post by steve_holmes_11 - Yesterday at 01:54:37 PM

QuoteThese any help: Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection?
Very nice, thank you.

I checked out Antwerp.
It's already gridded.
The key and scale information makes conversion to tabletop relatively easy.
General Discussion / Re: Anyone in contact with Mag...
Last post by FierceKitty - Yesterday at 01:49:58 PM
Noted, with thanks.
Posted in the 'Little Wooden Men' thread, but probably better here.

Producing a France 1813 army list for Blucher.

Currently for the Imperial Guard I have;

Old Guard is 2x'Old Guard', 1x'Guard' - These are the Old and Middle Guards, 7x'Veteran' - this is the Young Guard in two corps, with the 2nd Corps having 4 units, but all understrength. Although the rules say to consider making this 3 at normal strength, 4 and U/S fits the historical lay out.

Am considering making I Young Corps 4 units, with the 2 in 3rd Division 'Understrength', again, fits the lay out.

So thoughts gentlemen;
Rules state units are 3-5,000 men.
If less than 3,000 for HISTORICAL scenarios (only) use the 'Understrength' rule.
If over 5,000 use 'Overstrength'.

All divisions are of 2 Brigades, each of 6 bns.

I Young Guard Corps
1st Div - 6040 Men
3rd Div - 4730 Men

II Young Guard Corps
2nd Div - 5470 Men
4th Div - 5520 Men.

I Corps
3 Units
4 Units, 2 U/S

II Corps
2 Units, both O/S
4 units, all U/S
3 Units


One Corps called 'Young guard' which ignores the Div/Bde structure and works as 6 units.

2nd Question

For the 1813/14 lists allied nations infantry are classified as Veteran or Conscript.
Should I be taking all Allied as 'Conscript'?  It basically comes down to how badly Württemberg, Westphalia, Italy, Saxony, Hesse-Darmstadt, Polish and Baden forces were affected by Russia.  If Boney had to raise new units from Allies, then conscript, otherwise they may count as veteran.

By default I have classed as per 1809, so at the moment only Polish, Baden and Italy are possible veteran - these I have taken based as the 1809 'French modelled', effectively the same as French line of the time.. I am wondering are all Non-Guard troops, French or otherwise, effectively 'Conscript'

For reference
Veteran - Elan of 6, bonus when skirmishing (so start with 6 combat dice, and take 6 hits to destroy)
Conscript - Elan 5, not good near horses.
I can amend these if needed, the point calculations are clearly laid out for 'Historic' troops.
(For comparison, French Conscript get the Skirmish, are not good near horse, but get a charge bonus)
Resources / Re: You Tube finds
Last post by Ben Waterhouse - Yesterday at 01:14:55 PM
WWIII in 1976 with a a young Peter Snow
Painting Diaries / Re: Fred’s 2024 Painting and G...
Last post by fred. - Yesterday at 12:32:22 PM
QuoteOne tip I could share (regarding grids).
Don't feel compelled to zig zag the rivers precisely along square boundaries.
It sometimes looks neater, or more natural with some curves and diagonals.
This can leave a few cut-off square corners - just ignore them.

This is a good tip - I do try to use more rounded terrain where possible - in the Sedan game the main river sections I allowed to follow a diagonal as I didn't see them having in game impact. The canal I made linear - not least as it's a canal but also those river pieces where largely straight peices

Painting Diaries / Re: Fred’s 2024 Painting and G...
Last post by Last Hussar - Yesterday at 12:30:21 PM
QuoteI've toyed with Google Maps as a source for terrain.

Try doing this for 1809 - Aspern and Essling are now suburbs of Vienna!
Painting Diaries / Re: Fred’s 2024 Painting and G...
Last post by fred. - Yesterday at 12:28:52 PM

QuoteIs Eisenhower a Sam Mustafa game? - I do like Blucher, so am willing to spend money on his rules that fit with my forces.
Yes they are 
Painting Diaries / Re: Fred’s 2024 Painting and G...
Last post by fred. - Yesterday at 12:28:01 PM

QuoteYou have been busy Forbes, great painting and two lovely write ups.  8)
Cheers Will. Finishing the figures has taken a while but they are done which is the key thing. 
Painting Diaries / Re: Fred’s 2024 Painting and G...
Last post by Last Hussar - Yesterday at 12:25:36 PM
Is Eisenhower a Sam Mustafa game? - I do like Blucher, so am willing to spend money on his rules that fit with my forces.
Chat & News / Re: Blather, Waffle and Poppyc...
Last post by Last Hussar - Yesterday at 12:23:09 PM
Well, as I don't have an option, I will find out Wednesday what it is like (Pub Quiz on pick up day, so assuming no use on Tuesday)

However it is now 3 years old, so am hoping nothing major.
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