Pendraken Miniatures Forum

Pendraken Rules! => Future War Commander => Topic started by: GordonY on 20 March 2021, 06:12:31 AM

Title: GW Not_Chaos
Post by: GordonY on 20 March 2021, 06:12:31 AM
Just wondering, has anyone done a list for these guys?

Or do I have to do it all myself with the FWC Unit Calculator?

Hope somebody can help.

Title: Re: GW Not_Chaos
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 20 March 2021, 07:05:19 AM
It;s in one of the diusguised lists cause GW sue at the drop of a hat,
Title: Re: GW Not_Chaos
Post by: Shedman on 20 March 2021, 08:20:05 AM
There is no GW Not Chaos list - just the vanilla FWC Marine Corps

Personally I would use the Ogrethulhu Army as this is allows Units to be selected from any other army.

However I would only allow units to be selected from other GW Not lists to keep it "historical"

Furthermore the army has Rigid tactical doctrine, Primitive tech level and the Spawn of Ogrethulhu

Having just read all of the the Gaunt's Ghost series then having the army as Rigid tactical doctrine, Primitive tech level and the Spawn of Ogrethulhu seems about right for a Chaos army

Title: Re: GW Not_Chaos
Post by: GordonY on 20 March 2021, 02:40:02 PM
Thanks Alan, definitly didnt want to use the vanilla Marine list as I'd end up just cloning the Marine list that I've got (unpainted) in 10mm.

Title: Re: GW Not_Chaos
Post by: Big Insect on 20 March 2021, 05:16:21 PM
Of course it depends which 'faction' of GW Chaos you are looking at producing a list for - as a Nurgle list will be very different from a Slannish or Khorne list (I'd suggest).
But you can of course mix them up - but I'd probably have them split up by command.
It might be tempting to use the 'Hive Mind' Tac.Doc - to represent the over-arching mental control of the chaos anti-emperor.

I did once paint up a few 6mm GW 'Noise Marines' and used a standard 28mm GW Chaos Terminator as a giant Chaos walker - but that was for a small game we played at a previous FWC Berkley Vale Boot Camp - so I didn't really need a full list. I'll have to dig them out and post a few photos.