Pendraken Miniatures Forum

Wider Wargaming => Batreps => Topic started by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 26 April 2019, 11:15:29 PM

Title: Biblical MeG
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 26 April 2019, 11:15:29 PM
Mortiem et Gloriam Biblical training game
Title: Re: Biblical MeG
Post by: FierceKitty on 27 April 2019, 02:37:44 AM
Atheist though I am, I'm pretty sure the Myceneans never got into the Big Black Book.

Title: Re: Biblical MeG
Post by: jambo1 on 27 April 2019, 06:05:29 AM
A good read, not rules I am familiar with so interesting stuff. :)
Title: Re: Biblical MeG
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 27 April 2019, 06:34:43 AM
Quote from: FierceKitty on 27 April 2019, 02:37:44 AM
Atheist though I am, I'm pretty sure the Myceneans never got into the Big Black Book

They would alsi need a time machine I guess...

Paul and his letters to the Corinthians?
Title: Re: Biblical MeG
Post by: Steve J on 27 April 2019, 07:12:32 AM
Looks good but that battle mat gave me a headache!
Title: Re: Biblical MeG
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 27 April 2019, 07:21:49 AM
Pathological warfare...  ;D
Title: Re: Biblical MeG
Post by: Techno on 27 April 2019, 07:50:52 AM
Nice one, Will !

Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: Biblical MeG
Post by: fsn on 27 April 2019, 01:20:36 PM
Quote from: FierceKitty on 27 April 2019, 02:37:44 AM
Atheist though I am, I'm pretty sure the Myceneans never got into the Big Black Book.
Though they may have been related to the Philistines.

Interesting game. If only my favourite 10mm brand included some chariots.  :-<
Title: Re: Biblical MeG
Post by: Westmarcher on 27 April 2019, 01:31:25 PM
Good report, Lemmey (tho the battle map ain't to my tastes either - what is it? An old carpet?  ;) ).   :-bd
Title: Re: Biblical MeG
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 27 April 2019, 04:08:49 PM
Na - it be teddy bear fur.