BKC II scenario nr.4 : deliberate assault

Started by petercooman, 07 September 2013, 12:36:13 AM

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07 September 2013, 12:36:13 AM Last Edit: 07 September 2013, 10:29:51 PM by Leon
Got a solo game in today, playing The 4th scenario from the blitzkrieg commander book, deliberate assault. Basicly the attacker gets double the amount of points from the defender, and he needs to take a position within a certain amount of time. Breaking each others forces is also in order.

The armies used are russia and germany. The germans are reinforcing their battlegroup in a village (they just received new men, represented by the conscript squads), and the russians will try to attack them now, and take the town while they are weak and resupplying.

Hits stay on btw.

The forces:

- 1 co (cv9) and 2 hq's (cv8)
- 1 recce infantry (wich can call in artillery)
-1 ba64
- 6 regular infantry (one with captured panzerfausts)
- 4 smg infantry (these will be tank desant)
- 2 maxim hmg
- 1 120mm mortar support weapon
- 1 su 57
- 4 t34/76
- 3 T34/85
- 1 IS2
- 1 mortar artillery unit (with a smoke asset coming in on turn one)
- 1 IL2 sturmovik with bombs (one asset coming in on turn 2)

- 1co (cv9) and 2 hq's (cv8)
- 5 regular infantry (one with panzerschreck) and 4 conscript infantry
- 3 hmg
- 1 82 mm mortar
- 1 stUH
- 2 pz 4 long
- 1 marder II
- 1 88mm with prime mover

The battlefield:

german deployment:

russian deployment:

turn 1
The russia artillery lays smoke in the middle of the field to cover the approach

First roll of the game, command blunder damages a t34.

The center gets ready to onter the field:

German's CO's first roll of the game, command blunder...

both flanks get one order off and start to deploy:

All in all a very innefectual 1st turn, almost everyone fails their orders except for russian center

Turn 2
This starts with the scheduled air strike of the IL2 on the 88 on the hill:

Despite having 9 AA dice, not a single hit is scored on the IL2, allowing it to wreak havoc! The fact that nothing on the hil moved due to the CO blunder last turn also means everything was densely packed for the air strike

Then the T34 group fails it's order again!

While the infantry score a double one and get moving:

The tanks get into the field (another double 1), but ones is stopped bij Opportunity fire from the marder II...

The marder then gets shot up in return ( on the left you see an infatry unit in trouble after it failed to make it to the hedge last turn:

The german hmg's open fire and strike home:

Turn 3:
The russians detroy the 88 and the vierling

The german CO gets a double one!

The hmg's shoot the maxims to bits

While the panzer 4's open up on the russian armour (the IS2 falls back under mortar fire)

Turn 4:

The russians advance and the group in the field kills a panzer 4

On the other side the germans fight back:

But to no avail, as the left flank is blown to bits and the german break point is met!

All in all a good game with a russian victory.The battle was lost when the AA failed to even hit the sturmovik, the gerland never reciverd!


Looks like a great game, love the explosions :D
all the best

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


very good AAR Peter !
I really like your explosions.
Question : why do you play your dice like me ?   :D     ;)

thank you for sharing



Quote from: ronan on 07 September 2013, 07:52:11 AM
very good AAR Peter !
I really like your explosions.
Question : why do you play your dice like me ?   :D     ;)

thank you for sharing

I actually have dice with 6 sides: 5 times 1 and 1 time 6  ??? ???

Thx all!

Looks like i made a lot of typos though, but hey it was early in the morning after all :p


Nice game, Peter. I like the cultivated fields.  8)
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.




The fields are hotz artwork flocked felt fields. Really a bargain. Everything pictured here is just one set of fields wich cost me 22 USD including shipping. A steal at that price considering the quality! Long delivery time though...

If Leon or another moderator wants, could they put a space between image and width i the links that don't show the picture straigth away? I no longer see the edit button so can't change it anywmore.

Just change it to IMG width instead of IMGwidth  ;)


Looking good!

Quote from: petercooman on 07 September 2013, 07:59:36 PM
If Leon or another moderator wants, could they put a space between image and width i the links that don't show the picture straigth away? I no longer see the edit button so can't change it anywmore.

Just change it to IMG width instead of IMGwidth  ;)

Done!   8)
www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


Good stuff, Peter - great looking table & battle  8)



I really enjoyed this one, was really chaotic as you can tell  :D

The terrain worked out nicely. This however pointed out to me that i need more walling and hedging.And more hilly terrain.

I had a big 'blind' spot in centre. I solved that problem by using a smoke asset this time round, but will be looking at more stuff to put under the fleece throw next time. It feels a bit too flat. The one hill i had was made using a light spot housing that i saved for that purpose when we were redocarating. Must look into other options.

Any ideas? I know towels could work but anything firmer?

The thing i used is something like this:


Little bit to expensive to buy just for the housing  :P :P

Anyway, it felt a bid too strict for me, need a more irregular shape.


What about an upside-down soup / dinner plate?



How about a thick sheet of expanded polystyrene and an old bread-knife? Just hack it into rough shapes. That's how I made these http://rulesdepot.net/page66.htmlYou don't even have to paint them if you're going to put them under the throw.
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.



Yeah, i thought about that too, but i have no more room to store anything. The wife is already complaining for storing miniatures in and on the kitchen cabinets, so i am looking at stuff i can use and then just put back without her noticing  :D