Advance on Madrid 1936

Started by Stuart, 26 May 2012, 04:34:14 PM

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Late 1936, the Nationalist advance on Madrid.
This is a fictional scenario with two Nationalist militia columns attacking a town held by an International Brigade company and Assault Guards. Around the town are three villages with troops in which have not yet declared which side they are fighting for yet.

The town and villages.

The game opens with a strafing run from a Condor Legion ME109

The Carlist column arrives.

The Carlist armoured cars take fire from the town, while the Falangist column arrives and finds the nearest village to be loyal to them.

The Nationalist 'armour' arrives.

The 109 attempts to strafe the rear of the Republican position.

Poor command rolls lead to the Nationalists being stuck perilously in the open.

The field in from of the town becomes snarled up with suppressed Nationalist troops.

The Carlists deploy in the treeline to avoid being destroyed in their trucks.

Time was called, and the game was declared a Republican victory, mainly down to the Nationalist's lack of tactical subtlety and their unlucky ME109 pilot who I don't think hit a single thing all night.


Great stuff - good to see more SCW in-action.

Send that pilot off for some target-practice  ;)

Steve J

Agreed, great to see some SCW for once.


Hi Stuart

Great Report and wonderful to see SCW featured in a report too.

Just on a covetous note, I was quite taken with the bus in the photos, any clues on the manufacturer? I'm using the Oxford Bedford but I do like the look of that one!!




Bit too much open terrain perhaps?

What rules were used?
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


Quote from: Nosher on 27 May 2012, 10:49:50 PM
Bit too much open terrain perhaps?

What rules were used?
I did give them some cover round the sides, they just chose to drive up the middle! Rules were Blitzkrieg Commander.

Steve J

Good to see you are using BKC Stuart :).


Quote from: GrumpyOldMan on 27 May 2012, 10:09:46 PM
Hi Stuart

Great Report and wonderful to see SCW featured in a report too.

Just on a covetous note, I was quite taken with the bus in the photos, any clues on the manufacturer? I'm using the Oxford Bedford but I do like the look of that one!!



Hi, the bus is actually an old N gauge white metal kit, can't remember who makes it!



Quote from: Stuart on 28 May 2012, 04:35:43 PM
Hi, the bus is actually an old N gauge white metal kit, can't remember who makes it!

After much scrounging around I think it's this:-

from P&D Marsh. From the pictures it's a much better size fit than the disappointing cars I got from them. Still at £7.50 it would need to be a good bus  :). Maybe there is a need for a request for a 30s bus  :).




Looks good.  And I just traded some painting for a couple SCW army packs and a couple French-Viet army packs.  I think I will start painting for the SCW first.  The militias have some interesting uniforms.