Started by theboxroom, 01 October 2022, 04:28:31 PM

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Thought I'd just add one of my(?) buildings. It's a download from Wargames Vault, a Dave Graffam building. There are LOADS! of them if you search on his name. I printed it out in 10mm scale and then built a carcass out of thick card, an old gaming board as it happens; I've also used 2mm MDF. The roof card is an old chocolate bar card cover.
Smugly, I think they look REALLY good on the table but it's 99% down to Dave Graffam.
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. -John Quincy Adams


Posted this before (~5 years ago), but still available.

Dave's Games - Fantasy Medieval, 28mm scale. Before Dave Graffam went commercial, he offered these for download (toward the bottom of the page) free. Long gone, but the wayback machine is a wonderful tool . . .

Yours looks great.

Steve J


Quote from: Raider4 on 01 October 2022, 04:51:46 PMPosted this before (~5 years ago), but still available.

Dave's Games - Fantasy Medieval, 28mm scale. Before Dave Graffam went commercial, he offered these for download (toward the bottom of the page) free. Long gone, but the wayback machine is a wonderful tool . . .

Thanks for the link. Some good stuff there that I'm sure will get the treatment. There are some freebie buildings on Wargames Vault and some specific to WWII Normandy.

Yours looks great.
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. -John Quincy Adams


Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Yes, I've got loads of the Dave Graffam models to build.
From this file
I made all these Italian/Spanish style buildings in 10mm:

Just by being creative with the layer options in the file and printing out multiple sheets
(1/160 Churchill 3" Gun Carrier for size comparison)



Excellent builds. I particularly like the "double" one. :)
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. -John Quincy Adams


Sultanbev - they look great. Love the white walls/red roofs look.

Here's some of the freebies I built years ago, sized for 10mm:
