BKC-III Decision Reached - Please Read!

Started by Leon, 08 May 2017, 11:15:01 PM

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Dr Dave

Well done. A tough decision, but the right one.  :D


I quote myself from another thread :

"On a more general note, special rules named with no mention in the lists is really GWish to me : you need to go through the book to look at the abilities.

I'd rather have the special rules :
a) be the consequence of the type of unit ( i.e. All AT gun behave this way)
b) Be factored into the profile (i.e. this tank is good at busting other tanks so get one more die in his AT value)
c) be a special rule of this specific list (i.e. Commonwealth in North Africa are good at coordinating Arty fire so get a bonus doing so)
d) exceptionally be added as note on the profile of the unit. (i.e. the Katyushka sound is terrifying : the infantry unit targeted are automatically suppressed)

But case d) should be exceptional.

If you cannot characterise a unit other than using special rules, your basic rules are poorly designed."

I really think the focus should be on cutting the fat, trying to simplify (keeping the flavour of WWII obviously)
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Thank you Leon and all the Pendraken team !

Quote from: slugbalancer on 09 May 2017, 08:52:20 AM
Well done for coming to a speedy decision and probably the correct one.  I think naming them as BKC 3.1 may be an error as v3 is so badly tarnished.  Wouldn't it be good to skip straight to BKC4?

IMHO I like the name BKC 3.1
It shows the good work that'll be done, it's not just "another upgrade".


I would go with BKC4. Just to avoid confusion and also a completely different cover.
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson

Smoking gun

It's great that Leon has made this brave decision and we'll all benefit from this, lets hope the new / revised version sells wells and restores the confidence in the Commander brand.

I do think it's important that whatever the new rules are called there's a completely new and distinctive cover so people are aware they're buying the new version.

Thank you and regards,

Now they've knocked me down and taken it, that still hot and smoking gun.


Agree about the cover.
What I really liked in the BKCII book too was the pictures of the full armies inside : Gave me the will to purchase miniatures.
2015 Painting Competition - Winner!
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


A brave decision, but one that seems to be popular. Good luck with the re-write.



09 May 2017, 01:32:47 PM #23 Last Edit: 09 May 2017, 01:37:48 PM by KeithS
I just wanted to wish you well in your re-working of the rules.  It is a great pity that you should need to do so, particularly after your optimism when you launched the rules.  I sincerely hope that the reworking is not too great a strain on yourselves and your company.  I also hope that the end result is that an even better set of rules than any of the predecessors incorporating the best features of all of them.
I'll bring up the rest of the brigade.


Thanks for the replies so far.

Quote from: petercooman on 09 May 2017, 05:02:03 AM
Just a  minor question, will the rules seek a middle ground or will we revert more to bkc II ? Just a case of knowing what issues  we should bring up. No use working out the details on some things if the whole section is reverted back to bkcII ;)

At this point I don't know, it'll depend on what the issues are for each section really.  As for the new threads, if people can point out anything/everything, then we can look at it.  If we change something as a result, great, but if we don't we'll have the thread open for people to look at and discuss further when the revised edition is done.

Quote from: slugbalancer on 09 May 2017, 08:52:20 AM
Well done for coming to a speedy decision and probably the correct one.  I think naming them as BKC 3.1 may be an error as v3 is so badly tarnished.  Wouldn't it be good to skip straight to BKC4?

Quote from: Orcs on 09 May 2017, 11:03:47 AM
I would go with BKC4. Just to avoid confusion and also a completely different cover.

Quote from: Smoking gun on 09 May 2017, 11:19:58 AM
I do think it's important that whatever the new rules are called there's a completely new and distinctive cover so people are aware they're buying the new version.

We don't have any plans on skipping to BKC-4 at this point, I think III is still fine.  We also won't be changing the cover massively as that will mean more expense on graphic design and we're already facing a £7000 bill for reprinting and shipping the replacements.  There will be some type of note on the cover to show that it's a revised version though.  That could be '3rd Edition+' or '3rd Edition - Revised' something along those lines.

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If only Microsoft were as responsive to users. Very well done!
Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on


Your decision is a testament to your high standards of quality and service.  All the best with the rewrite.

Itinerant Hobbyist



Quote from: Leon on 09 May 2017, 02:12:50 PM
  We also won't be changing the cover massively as that will mean more expense on graphic design and we're already facing a £7000 bill for reprinting and shipping the replacements. 

Well I certainly don't want to add to your costs. Could you change the colour of the typeface or spine without adding to the cost, just to differentiate it?
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson